Chapter 24: The Fourth Coming of Iscariot

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November 2, 2017, 8 o'clock, GMT+9, Korea time zone.

After the Iscariot Army Corps was officially declared extinct, there was no longer a threat from them around the world. There was almost no one left among them to enact any Comings to attack humanity. After seven weeks passed, however, a new threat appeared. It was the Son of the Antichrist, whose real name was Alexander Dracula Iscariot, and who was a demon born from Judas's evil spirit. Alexander was one of the few survivors of the Iscariot Army Corps after its demise, and he was a carbon copy of his father in terms of powers and wickedness. He took the form of a handsome young black-haired man in a black vest suit, but his demonic nature was extremely hideous – he was a black winged and horned monster with a scarlet 666 written on his forehead, and he was an exact copy of Judas Iscariot in terms of overall appearance. He also shared his father's traits as a vampire and his powers. Alexander was not alone.

"You think we are dead, but you are wrong. We're still alive and fighting to take over the world, even though we are on the verge of destruction. Even though we are the last surviving members, we will try hard to take back what are rightfully ours." Alexander Iscariot declared.

Alexander Iscariot was right to say so, because he was accompanied by Martha la Fée Verte Mortelle, the eldest sister of a trio of witch sisters serving under the Iscariot Army Corps. The sisters were composed of Martha herself, Morgan le Fatale Fay and Muriel la Faucheuse, all of whom were major generals of the Army Corps. Martha Allison, who was known as the Deadly Green Fairy (the literal translation of her full name as an Iscariot), was the most powerful witch among the witch sisters and the Grand Lady of the Army Corps. She wore the same clothing style her sisters wore – a golden crown and a Victorian-era royal dress; but she wore a green-black dress instead. She carried the Absinthe, a bladed wand with a green gemstone on it, and she was capable of using dark magic like her younger sisters. However, Martha's greatest power was that she could cast illusions on her targets and put them in a trance that caused them to see hallucinations. She could also hypnotize her victims and use her illusion manipulation to torture them. Martha's powers enabled her to survive through all the Comings the Iscariot Army Corps had made so far and their failures; the First Coming on December 21 2012, the Second Coming and the Third Coming. It was in the Third Coming that Muriel finally perished after surviving the previous Comings, and Martha was still alive at the moment. She had lost all her sisters during the previous Comings, and she was intended to avenge them and her fallen comrades, as well as Judas Dracula Iscariot, the leader of the Army Corps and the father of Alexander her master. Martha had taken the souls of her sisters inside the gemstone on the Absinthe.

Now there was an unknown man in a black suit walking into his working place in Seoul. He was ready to start his work when Alexander entered the room.

"Good morning, mister." Alexander said to the man in Korean language.

"Good morning, young man." The man said with a nervous voice.

"Would you mind if I borrowed your pen for a while?" Alexander said.

The man handed his red fountain pen to Alexander, who looked at it thoroughly without moving his eye out from it. Without speaking, Alexander took out a corrupted Judas Coin from his trouser pocket and infused into the man's fountain pen. In no time, the pen transformed into a female monster with long black hair covering her pale face clad in a red blouse and a red skirt. She had long red fingernails with sharp pen points on them, and her black staring eyes were cold. She looked at the man, who trembled with fear and attempted to flee.

"What is this?" He asked.

"My name is Bunshinbasa, the Pen Fairy. I am the first Iscariot Monster to be created by Master Alexander Dracula Iscariot, the Son of Judas Dracula Iscariot the Christ. Your name is blotted out from the Book of Life now." The red monster said coldly.

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