Chapter 10: Cascades of terrors

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December 3, 2015, 7 o'clock, GMT-4, USA time zone, New York.

In New York, a corrupted Judas Coin infused itself with a white wedding dress inside a studio alongside the mannequin wearing it. As a result, the wedding dress became a white female eagle monster with talons on her hands and an eagle head. She was the flying Iscariot Monster Harpy, and she could stun and/or injure her enemies with her deafening shrieks. Her shrieks were said to be more powerful than enough to completely shatter bulletproof glass and crumble a house into dust within seconds.

At the same time and the same place, a purse combined with a corrupted Judas Coin and turned into the male Iscariot Monster Behemoth. It had the head of a rhinoceros with a tapir's nose, the legs of an elephant, the arms of a grizzly bear and the body of a large gorilla. Behemoth could blast a beam from his nose that ejected the dreams and wishes of his targets. The dreams of the victims would be eaten by the monster. Aside from that, Behemoth was a nasty and strong opponent, because he could fling an adult man away with only one arm. His head-butts could be a real pain too, as he could completely demolish a high concrete wall with a single head-butt without taking any damage to himself.

Also at the same time, a railway fence was infused with a tainted Judas Coin and transformed into Gnome, an Iscariot Monster with two fences on its shoulders capable of firing lasers, a white chubby body wearing a hat and a green suit. Gnome could create barriers and walls to block the paths of their opponents both physically and mentally, so that they would be overridden with their own fears.

While Gnome was away on his own trapping people under their own stressful difficulties with metaphoric walls, Behemoth and Harpy all worked individually to feed on people's dreams and happiness. Sometimes Behemoth co-operated with other Iscariot Monsters when he stepped into their hunting grounds. He took the dreams of happy marriage lives from couples during weddings, which had indirectly helped Harpy to eat the hearts of brides. When he walked inside Gnome's hunting ground, Behemoth just simply robbed Gnome's victims of their hope and dreams to overcome the barriers manifested from their own fears, making them more hopeless than before.

After gathering negative emotions by ruining weddings, Harpy went on a destructive spree. She hijacked a TV broadcasting center and used it as her base of operations. She used her screams for broadcasts through megaphones and speakers, which acted as beefed up weapons for her. Harpy's scream was so piercing that it could shatter glass walls with even the softest sound. Harpy was not alone. She was accompanied by Gnome and Behemoth, all together at the broadcast. They used the broadcast to spread a message to people in the area: "To all you who are hearing this: your days in this world are numbered, and the end of the old world is near. Repent and believe in the Gospels for the sake of your salvation. I repeat, your days in this world are numbered, and the end of the old world is near, so repent and believe in the Gospels for the sake of your salvation."

But Romeo and his friends had taken notice of the Harpy incident, and quickly arrived to the TV broadcast station. They encountered the Iscariuruks guarding the station and fought their way to the broadcast system where Harpy was positioned. Harpy fought Romeo as soon as he entered the room, and the Iscariot Monsters Gnome and Behemoth faced his friends. As Romeo pursued Harpy out from the broadcast station, he was blocked by two Iscariorc Poltergeists carrying shotguns at the entrance, who were summoned just before Harpy flew away to a restaurant where a wedding took place. The Poltergeists wore black cloaks instead of white like usual, and were as strong as an Iscariuruk. But Romeo quickly destroyed these Poltergeists and followed Harpy to the restaurant. After going to the restaurant, Harpy used her destructive scream to cause turbulence in the wedding, shattering dishes and glasses. Then she flew up to the stage where the bride and groom were standing and swiped her claws at them in a fury.

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