Chapter 25: The extinction of Iscariot

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November 5, 2017, 8 o'clock, GMT+9, Korea time zone.

It was about three days since Yoo Shi Jin was imprisoned inside Alexander Iscariot's lair. But Yoo Shi Jin never gave in to Alexander's cruelty and he fled exactly one hour after being sent to the dungeon. He escaped to the human world and the Iscariots didn't bother to chase after him at all.

Two South Korean soldiers were captured by Alexander Iscariot and the Iscariot Army Corps. They were ready for a bizarre experiment done by Victor Lichtenstein, the younger twin brother of the mad scientist Igor Lichtenstein. Victor was a crazed man by nature, so he decided to keep them as hostages in an empty room with almost dim light. He placed no guards to protect the room, but instead he left it seemingly unprotected. In fact, the room was a very large chamber equipped with large mirrors on the wall, so anyone trapped inside it could only found themselves surrounded with images of themselves in the mirrors. There was only one door, which acted like the entrance and the exit of the room. But the mirrors showed its image at almost all corners of the room, so the prisoner inside it would mistake the images as real doors and attempt to reach the 'doors' in vain. The room was indeed very small, and the mirrors made it look larger than it really was. Upon seeing the reflections of themselves and the door as well as everything inside the room, the prisoner would frantically try in vain to find the way to escape without noticing the location of the real door, which was behind them, and eventually descended to utter madness until they died of their madness. The Korean soldiers were tortured in this way, and they soon became mentally stressed. But they had not been released yet.

On the next day, Alexander Iscariot decided to have his prisoners taken into another insane experiment. He implanted corrupted Judas Coins into them to transform them into Iscariot Monsters, because he had heard about an incident in which a man transformed into a Monster by inserting a Judas Coin into his body and became interested in it. But because the test subjects had not shown their sign of transformation, Alexander made a tougher approach. He forcefully activated the Judas Coins and infused more of his dark powers inside them to hasten the transformation. As a result, the two South Korean soldiers were transformed into two Iscariot Monsters – a Jabberwocky and a Chupacabra, before the two monsters fused themselves together to create a very strange monster with Jabberwocky's wings, body and tail, Chupacabra's head, left arm and feet.

"This is our first Synthetic Iscariot Monster, an Iscariot Monster created by combining two Monsters into one being. We will christen the name of our creation – Synthetic Iscariot Monster Chupperwocky." - Alexander said.

Shortly after the creation of Chupperwocky, Alexander continued to create more Synthetic Iscariot Monsters in an attempt to increase the number of his minions. He found it a better and wiser choice to bulk up his forces and hasten the Coming.

Below was the name of Synthetic Iscariot Monsters and their characteristics:

-Cancerfanc, a Synthetic Iscariot Monster with Afanc's head, right claw arm and upper torso half; Cancer's left pincers arm, carapace, legs and left upper torso half.

-Gryphoenix, a Synthetic Iscariot Monster with Griffin's body, wings, arms; Phoenix's head, feet, chest fan.

-Frankraken, a Synthetic Iscariot Monster with Kraken's body attached to Franken's head.

-Medusphinx, a Synthetic Iscariot Monster with Medusa's head attached to Sphinx's body.

November 5, 2017, 11 o'clock, GMT+9, Korea time zone.

Lee Yoon Sung was going shopping at the supermarket. While he was standing next to the beverage stall, he crossed path with Yoo Shi Jin, who had just left the canned food stall. They hadn't met each other face-to-face before, but they had heard much about each other.

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