Chapter 9: The coming of Judas Iscariot

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November 29, 2015, 14 o'clock, GMT-4, USA time zone, New York.

Inside the Saint Iscariot's Church, Ramses Amun Ra'al-Ghawl was standing alone holding a corrupted Judas Coin. The Coin spoke to him in the voice of Judas Dracula Iscariot, "Ramses, what is your wish?"

"What belongs to Caesar shall be given back to Caesar. What belongs to God shall be returned to God." Ramses said.

"Your wish is fulfilled. Toss this Coin away, and it'll fly away with your wish carried along with it." Dracula Iscariot said through the Coin said.

After Ramses tossed the Coin up, it flew away from the Church and fused itself with a hydrogen canister in a factory stationed in New Orleans before turning it into the Iscariot Monster Hydra, a green four-headed snake monster that could breathe out violet toxic smoke from its mouths. It had clusters of yellowish tendrils on its shoulders, a canister on its back and wielded a lance. Shortly after its creation, Hydra left the factory, rose his lance up high and cast its first plague – all the water in Lake Pontchartrain (New Orleans, southeasten Louisiana) would be turned blood red.

"You will never recognize the power of the ultimate Lord Iscariot until this plague comes, so I made it under the His name." Hydra said with a loud voice.

While Hydra was speaking, a black fighter plane decorated like a dragon landed before him and a man in a black Nazi officer uniform came out from the plane. He was the pilot of the plane, and he arrived alongside two more people. He was Erzengel, and he was accompanied by Napoleon and Ramses.

"I've found you here, Iscariot Monster Hydra. I came here to support you in your mission." Erzengel said.

"What mission is this? I'm not suitable for any of your missions." Hydra replied.

"Your main task is to aid Ramses in his plans to devastate the world with the ten plagues that had once caused massive havoc to the ancient kingdom of Egypt. Ramses was directly taking the plan in charge, and he's right here with us." Erzengel said.

"I've heard you turning Lake Pontchartrain into blood red and the worldwide water sources. What a clever trick. From now on everyone would give you the title of Harbinger of Doom. You are invincible." Ramses continued.

"I can reverse the effects of the plagues myself." Hydra replied.

He raised his spear up high and Lake Pontchartrain was magically returned to normal. Not even a single drop of blood was left.

"Truly, truly, I tell you, you will cause havocs with pollution and ruin, so that humanity will know how valuable their lives and environment are. Your powers will be useful for the Second Coming of Our Lord, and you will cleanse sins from the world. There is nothing to stop you now, and there will be nothing to prevent you from achieving your goals by conquests." Napoleon said.

Indeed, the plague of water turning blood red only lasted for ten minutes, because it was only a test drive. But in a blink of an eye, Hydra and the two Iscariot executives Ramses and Francesco made an official attack. He turned the very same water sources he used to make them red, but this time the water turned gooey black. The water was slimy and had a bad stench like a rotting corpse. There would be no clean water to use, because every water container – bottles, jars, buckets, pots, cans, lakes, rivers, oceans – were turned into black slime. If someone was unlucky enough to consume the slime by accident, the revolting taste and nasty smell were the first reasons they had to vomit out. Even alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks were turned into slime – wines, beers, juices, soft beverages, milk. In addition, Hydra created a rain of black goo to stain the earth with slime to intimidate and annoy people, and it worked. A severe rainstorm took place, and every place was covered in stinky black goo. One large puddle of this slimy liquid was more than enough to stick a bus at one place. But the gooey rainstorm never happened in real life, because there was no rain in New Orleans at all.

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