Chapter 18: The doomsday machine

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December 25, 2015, 12 o'clock, GMT-4, USA time zone, New York.

By the time Kerberos STRESS 666 was launched, flocks of Super Iscariot Monsters and Iscariot troops (including the high-ranked generals) gathered in Detroit and were ready for a massive onslaught from Detroit, Michigan State to New York. On their original path, they would spread to cities like Pittsburgh, Cleveland. From those cities, all of the northern states of the USA would be conquered: Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Connecticut. Since Michigan State was bordered with Ontario Province of Canada (where Toronto City was located), it would be easy to carry out destructive assaults on the said city with airborne combat.

As for Judas Iscariot himself, he transcended his evolution from a black-cloaked vampire into a completely different creature. It was a red muscular demon with two long goat-like horns, a huge set of bat wings, a long sharp tail, long sharp black claws on its fingers and toes. There was a black 666 carved onto its forehead, and it had 3 faces with the middle face being the one with the number 666 on the forehead. Each of the faces had burning eyes and a mouth full of sharp fangs, and they had a fierce look. The Iscariot attacks made on the previous night really empowered the Iscariot leader and transformed him into a monster. But the fight was stopped by Romeo and his friends before any catastrophe was made.

After the appearance of the Iscariot Monsters, more and more chaos was made in the city of Detroit. People were attached to each other or to nearby things by a powerful magnetic force, which was the same one used to pull things apart and separate people from each other. The mastermind behind this powerful force was Talos himself, and he used his magnetic darts to have a man attached into his own car, a woman attached into a fierce dog by the back, two men attached to each other by the front, a man attached to a signal post, and so on. He also used the same magnetic force to separate a mother from her daughter with a blast, and did the same thing to a group of school students, a man and his girlfriend, a father from his son; and he had even used his magnetic powers to send a car flying towards a woman and attached her on its door.

"Fear the powers of the Lord!" Talos said.

The story of the previous night was followed:

December 24, 2015, 20 o'clock, GMT-4, USA time zone, New York.

Super Iscariot Monster Griffon had his thunderstorms empowered with Super Iscariot Monster Unicorn's tornado attacks, making the damage caused by these even more devastating. Moreover, the other monsters were attacking New York at night.

"Hello my babies, it's very nice to see you after a long time." Cancer said.

"You have done a very good job, but I have bad news for you. When the newly-upgraded thunderstorms strike at the same places like before, there is nothing left to survive their disastrous wrath. Unicorn and Griffon had co-operated with each other and made their best teamwork ever. Even though you have brought all your friends here, you will all be doomed to die." Caiaphas said.

"Only two of us are all that enough to wipe your sins clean from the world. We are determined to try our best to destroy every one of you." Juliet said.

A fight began. Juliet and Romeo managed to destroy every Iscariot troops present in the place, all of whom had followed Griffon in the previous attacks. The Iscariogres were forced to retreat after being seriously injured, yet Caiaphas has managed to stay in the battlefield. He materialized a mantis claw similar to Beelzebub's from his right hand and an exhaust pipe arm similar to Chupacabra's from his left. Then he made a scream attack similar to Harpy's and a shockwave stomp similar to Gargoyle's to make both Romeo and Juliet disorientated and incapacitated.

"Do you have any freaking ideas about how many monsters Caiaphas has gobbled up? He's too darn strong." Romeo said.

"Who knows? He swallows Coins from every monster we have defeated, and each of the Coins contains their powers. He combines their powers for his own use." Juliet said.

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