Chapter 19: For the sake of a peaceful New Year 2016

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December 25, 2015, 16 o'clock, GMT-4, USA time zone, New York.

Inside a gym in Arizona State, two corrupted Judas Coins combined with a dumbbell and turned into a hulking green-skinned monster with dumbbells on his head. It was Super Iscariot Monster Franken, a super-strong monster who could throw dumbbell bombs, sticky dumbbells latching onto victims' hands automatically and forcing them to over-exercise until the dumbbells were destroyed, the wielders were exhausted to death or the monster left. He was armed with a heavy barbell weapon with spikes on both heads. Shortly after his creation, Franken smashed everything on his way out from the gym, unleashing his fury on the people inside by throwing sticky dumbbells at them and forcing them to hold the dumbbells and jump while lifting these with both arms repetitively.

"One, two, three, go." Franken said as his victims were commanded to jump with one leg while flapping their arms with the dumbbells still on their hands.

Everyone in the gym, most of whom were males, automatically did Franken's weird exercise until they were all drained out of energy. Even the most muscular and strongest guys began to wear out, although the weights they were holding looked to light that any normal men could lift with ease.

"That isn't the weight you guys use to train your muscles. These weights could gather your negative powers and make you so weary that you can't ever think about taking a rest. No matter who you are, I will use the same punishment on you." Franken said.

As the people were still doing over-exercises, Franken left the gym.

"Now you know what it pays for pride and arrogance." Caius Lancius Mortemis, the person responsible for the creation of the hideous creature, arrived to the place.

Then Caius used the negative energy taken from his Iscariot Monster minion's first victims to create three Super Iscariot Monsters by transferring the energy to six corrupted Judas Coins before scattering them flying to the four winds.

"We can't wait for the Second Coming, we must make it happen." Caius said.

The first pair of corrupted Coins fused with a red Christmas gift box from a clothes shop in Arizona and a Christmas stocking hanging on the wall inside the same shop, each individual item was fused with a Coin and the items were fused together. The combination of all items gave birth to Spriggan, a two-horned and red-nosed iguana Super Iscariot Monster dressed in the clothes of Santa Claus with two gift boxes on his shoulders. His arsenal was composed of a spear shaped like a pine tree that could be used as a bladed bludgeon, explosive candles that could burst into flaming fireworks, and remote-controlled gift box bombs which could detonate with a flick of his finger. Spriggan was tasked to distribute presents to young children as a seemingly harmless strategy for a more devastating full-scale Christmas attack. The presents were beautifully decorated and put inside colorful boxes, but they were actually fragments of dry bones. Once a child had received a gift box of such kind, the child will get disappointed and frustrated, even sad and scared for not receiving the presents they wanted. But to make things worse, the pieces of bones inside the deceivingly beautiful gift boxes were not ordinary – they were actually fragments of an Iscariorc Golem that could spawn into complete copies of the monster before transforming into giant clones of Dracula Iscariot. It was a remade version of the plan previously used by the Iscariot Army Corps to conquer the world with numerous giant clones of Dracula Iscariot, except that this plan created physical embodiments of the original Dracula Iscariot.

The second pair of corrupted Coins fused with a coffin at a mortuary in Arizona and created the Super Iscariot Monster Sphinx, a winged golden lion monster clad in the long robes and headdress of a Pharaoh. The coffin was taken from the Iscariots' own lair. As for Sphinx himself, his wings were almost skeletal but covered in a black feathery coat and tainted with a sickening smell like that of a rotten corpse. Even his feet looked more like that from a shriveled corpse of a lion than a living creature in spite of having claws and paws just like the normal lion. His face was like a cross between a lion and a mummified man, and every time he spoke he always acted like a gentleman with full dignity.

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