Chapter 8: Recollections of yore, first gay night of Romeo (18+)

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November 29, 2015, 12 o'clock, GMT-4, USA time zone, New York.

Since Caiaphas's resurrection, things became tougher and tougher as Caiaphas became the bruiser for the Iscariot forces. But all Iscariot Monsters created on the date of November 23, 2015 were destroyed single-handedly by Tybalt every time he went berserk. And this really alarmed the Iscariots.

"Who contributes most to the current Iscariot Army Corps?" Francesco said.

"I contribute the most to the Army Corps. I'm the first disciple of Lord Judas and the one who follows him for centuries. You're just a newcomer in terms of the date of recruitment. Without me, nobody will ever follow his footsteps." Ramses said.

"Look, it's me who had donated the church I worked in for us to stay in. You know that church was mine, and I willingly gave it to the Lord. Nobody compelled me, I did on my own. You see, this is the Saint Iscariot's Church where we live and work, the church I've told you about." Francesco said.

"In terms of age, I'm older than you. I've been His Majesty's advisor and chief disciple for centuries before you were born." Ramses said.

"But in terms of arrival after the First Coming, it's me who comes before you." Francesco said.

"That's ridiculous. You have ignored me when you went to take the Lucifer's Chalice." Ramses replied.

"Well, well, that's enough of this talk. Anyway, everyone is equal in the Iscariot Army Corps, including you and me. We have more important things to do than all these bickering stuff." Francesco said.

"Ha ha ha, the Forbidden Fruit has ben brought home." A laughter was heard.

"Who's there?" Francesco frowned.

"Finally, at least you have met Ruben Saint-Laurent, the Arsenic Gentleman Thief. This dude is the best conman playboy ever during the Victorian era, and a gentleman thief. But don't be fooled by his glamorous appearance. He's a master of card games and an expert escapist. You won't even catch him, unless you're as mysterious as Jack the Ripper. Here are his tell-tale signs to distinguish him: tall slender stature, hands wearing white gloves, always carries a long walking cane with a pointed tip, a long black collared cloak with red underside and a scarlet rose on the left breast, a white waistcoat and shirt, a golden-coated monocle worn over left eye, a black top hat. His human form wears these clothes and has these traits, but when he shifts his face into a phantom thief, he becomes a phantom literally. He still wears the very same clothes and has the very same appearance, but his monocle transforms into a golden mask covering the left half of his face save for the mouth and the right side of his face which turned translucently pale like the skin of a vampire. The mouth turns into a row of sharp fangs for biting, and his hands grew long nails. Aside from his usual walking cane, Saint-Laurent possesses freakish otherworldly powers such as shooting scarlet slimy ropes from his wrist tendons, teleporting in a red mist made of rose petals, flying with his cloak, hearing things from a far distance as far as distances between large oceans. When his mask is uncovered, the face beneath it is horribly disfigured with hideous marks looking like a mashup of deep wounds and peeled flesh. The rose on his breast can spray a red fume that smells very sweet, but it is the sweetness of deadly poison, so never get too close to him at all costs if you fight him in close quarters. Hence, that's why Ruben earns the title of Arsenic Gentleman Thief, or Arsenic Laurent in short." The owner of this laughter explained to Francesco.

"Show yourself." Francesco said.

"Ruben Saint-Laurent is me." The person said as he revealed himself.

"How can you get the Forbidden Fruit?" Francesco asked Ruben.

"I get it from a luxurious museum in France. The Forbidden Fruit is not in the United States, but in France." Ruben replied.

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