Chapter 26: The epilogue of 2018 and 2019

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Year 2018.

Alexander Iscariot had perished. Nobody ever heard about the Iscariots or remembered about them. Nobody knew their names. Their tales were forgotten in the flow of time. The legends about Romeo and Juliet, the legendary man-woman couple who arrived to the need of vanquishing evil forces, had ceased to exist.

Year 2018.

Tin Medthanan, the rich kid of the wealthy Medthanan family in Thailand, had been in England.

England was popularly known as the country of the fog. It was the homeland of several marvelous people in the human history, such as Isaac Newton who was well-known for the discovery of gravity, William Shakespeare the playwright of 'Romeo and Juliet', J.K.Rowling the author of 'Harry Potter', Queen Elizabeth of the powerful British royal family... Also, rogues and heroes in the literature world of England were of British descent. Heroes of England were Sherlock Holmes, Doctor John Watson, King Arthur, Jonathan Harker, Harry Potter... Rogues of England were Jack the Ripper, William Wilson, Professor Moriarty, Voldemort...

Tin was an overseas student in England. His school in England wasn't the wizardy school Hogwarts, where the legendary wizard Harry Potter studied during his youthful years. Oxford University and Cambridge University were well-known universities of England, but Tin never studied in those places. Harvard University was in America, and Tin didn't go there either.

Tin was so absorbed in his daily studies that he never took notice of the dark secrets in England. England was the home of notorious rogues such as William Wilson the photographer, Jasper Ricketts who was also known Jack the Ripper, Ruben Saint-Laurent the poisonous phantom thief, Sterling Hodges the evil detective. Tybalt Capulet was still living peacefully in the United States alongside his lover Benvolio Montague, but the dark entity residing inside him was still roaming on earth after being ejected from his body years ago. This entity was nobody other than the soul of Tybalt's previous incarnation, a malicious soul with a hunger of battles. Worse still, that entity was the original Tybalt Capulet, the 21-year-old gentleman of the Capulet family in 1595, the year in which the tragic love story of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet took place. Tybalt was the nightmare of Italian battlefields even in death, as he would rise up from his grave and actively participate in various conflicts in Italy. He eventually became a demonic entity of warfare in Europe from the Renaissance era to the late 19th century. The only time he was directly involved with an Iscariot during this time was a duel with the Headless Horseman in Sleepy Hollow, New York, United States. It was only an hour long, and both supernatural fighters were equally matched with no side getting victorious or lost. 

Year 2018.

"Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!" Blatant noises came out from a huge gathering of youngsters at a night rave.

The smells of sweat, alcohols, vape smokes filled the atmosphere, turning it into something similar to a deadly gas chamber. The room where the night rave took place was overfilled with people. Tin was lured into this horrible rave by his bad friends, who forced him to do drugs and got rejected afterwards. Tin never touched even a microscopic grain of narcotics during the party, and he got sick of the negative friends surrounding him. All of those, as Tin thought, were a bunch of bad people taking advantage of his wealth and his kind heart. Sometimes Tin had tried to quit those toxic guys, but they kept latching on him like leeches.

In the darkness, the phantom thief Ruben Saint-Laurent was the person responsible for delivering narcotics into the rave. As a side note of this character, he was not only a playboy and a gentleman thief but also a pharmacist.

"Mwahahahahahaha~~~!!!!" The phantom thief laughed behind the door of the party room.

Every laughing sound from the thief made his mouth open wide. The mouth was totally non-human, as the teeth were not human at all. The wide grin of the red thief was satisfied as his clawed hands clenched into a fold. He had known a very dark history of a Thai boy named Trump, who was a boy so bad that even the most cold-blooded killer like Jack the Ripper wouldn't think about plunging a scalpel into his flesh.

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