Chapter 2: The end of the beginning

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AN from MaiMia: Holy... I'm starting to admire those who type in Wattpad with their phones because I swear Wattpad hates me.

Us: Let's not make the chapters long
Also us: *writes way too long*

Editing might have gone wrong so yea... If it doesn't make sense, MaiMia is sorry.
Enjoy reading~

AN from Mikoto: I'm sorry you had to witness so many kidnappings in one chapter ww

Checking if he had everything for the last time, the brunet with a fox-mask walked out of his house, locking the door behind him before walking down the streets into the park that was close to his house.

The sun was slowly setting and the photographer wanted to take a beautiful picture of the sunset before night came.

Humming a light tune to himself, the brunet walked to the park as he was holding onto the camera that hung around his neck.

Amatsuki stood from a distance, watching the brunette. How should he approach this one?

The one with Sou had gone successfully, but the brunette couldn't help but feel a little guilty since the blonde was so nice.

He continue to gaze at the fox-mask male, thinking of a plan to kidnap the said male.

Once he arrived in the park, Kashitaro looked around for a nice place before deciding to take some pictures of the lake first. He walked to it and kneeled down, before starting to snap some pictures of the scenery in front of him.

'He really is dedicated to his work...' Amatsuki thought to himself.

He approached the photographer quietly, not wanting to disturb him while he worked.
After he finished taking the pictures he needed, the brunet stood back up again as he took a look at the photos. He hummed in satisfaction as he turned to walk to his next destination until he noticed another brunet standing near him.

Kashitaro only gave the other male a smile as a greeting, bowing slightly before deciding to go somewhere else.

Amatsuki bit his lip before he called out to the taller brunette.


Upon being called, Kashitaro turned around as he tilted his head confused, smiling nevertheless as he pointed at himself.

"Were you talking to me?"

"Um, yeah!" Amatsuki smiled sheepishly at the male. "I saw you taking pictures and was wondering if you do it for a living..."

"You see," Amatsuki continued on. "I need a photographer's help for a new blog I'm helping my friend make. And since we were going to take it seriously, I thought I would look for a photographer that was within our budget... but it's not easy."

Amatsuki chuckled nervously.

"Ah, yes. This is my job I guess," the brunet said with a chuckle.

"I see... you guys need a photographer for your blog huh...” Kashitaro said as he scratched his cheek sheepishly.  “Well, I have never taken pictures for a blog before because I usually do it the old-fashioned way."

"But if you guys only need someone who takes your pictures, I think we can discuss that and find a price that lies within your budget.”

"Ah, is that so! I'm really glad then," Amatsuki said as he clasped both his hands together. "I was thinking within 20,000 yen if it is possible... if not we can discuss a price range that you want!"

"No, I think that is fine. No need to increase the price. You can just give me the contact number of your friend or yourself so we can discuss more on another day,” Kashitaro suggested.

"Thank you so much for agreeing to this!" Amatsuki said as he pulled out a pen and a scrap paper from his pocket. He quickly scribbled a fake number on it and handed it to the male. "When are you free for this shoot? I was hoping we can do this as soon as possible!"

"I guess I have some time tomorrow so if you guys have time, we can do this then. Of course we can discuss more over a call so it doesn’t have to be tomorrow,” Kashitaro said as he took the piece of paper.

Amatsuki's phone then rang and he quickly excused himself to pick it up.

Kashitaro only nodded with an understanding smile as he waited for the younger male to finish his call.

"Ah, hey Hikari! I found a photographer that's willing to work with our budget!" Amatsuki said excitedly.

His expression immediately morphed into a frowning one.

"You are? That's tomorrow? But he says he's free tomorrow." Amatsuki nodded his head slightly as he listened to the caller. "I see, I see, let me ask him."

He turned to face the taller brunette with an awkward smile.

"Um, well... Do you mind if we push the photoshoot earlier like today? I swear I'll pay you more since I'm doing this on such short notice..." the red-eyed brunette said apologetically. "You see, Hikari's gonna go on a trip with his family tomorrow and I kinda forgot..."

"Oh no it's fine, that isn’t your fault," Kashitaro assured as he gave the other a small smile. "It can’t be helped after all. We can do it today if you really insist on it being today. And don’t worry about the price. We can keep it the same.”

"I'm really, really sorry," the brunette said as he bowed. "Thank you for understanding... His house is actually not that far away if you don't mind walking there with me now... Oh wait, you need equipment right?"

"It’s fine. I have everything with me so we can go now,” he said before he chuckled awkwardly. "Oh, I haven’t introduced myself yet, have I?"

"My name is Kashitaro Ito. Though you can just call me Kashitaro,” the fox-masked male introduced himself.

"Ah, I'm Shiro," Amatsuki introduced before he continued his conversation on his phone.

"Yeah Hikari, we're coming your way now! You can get ready first! I'll see you soon."

He then hung up and faced the brunette again.

"Kashitaro-san, shall we go?”

"Alright," Kashitaro said, nodding.

"You can lead the way and I'll just follow you then,” the brunet added with another chuckle.
The brunette started to walk towards where he had came from, leading the photographer to their house.

"Say, Kashitaro-san, what's your favourite things to photograph?" Amatsuki asked, attempting to make small talk between them.

"What I like to take pictures of the most huh... Well, I do like to take pictures of all kinds of things but if I had to choose something... I guess I would answer with sceneries,” Kashitaro answered with a smile.

"Sceneries huh...?" Amatsuki looked to the sky as they continued walking, admiring how the colours of the sky as the sun continued to set. "Do you happen to take pictures of snow?"

"The snow... I actually have a lot of those,” Kashitaro admitted, laughing lightly as he scratched his cheek sheepishly.

"Every winter, when the snow first falls down, I immediately go out to snap some pictures in the early morning when people haven’t walked over it yet. I do get lost almost every time though so I have to call my friend who always scolds me for calling him so early," Kashitaro confessed as he chuckled once again.

"That must be nice~" Amatsuki smiled at the boy. "I personally love the snow, it's so nice to see it fall. It's kinda soothing, actually..."

"If you don't mind, I would love to see some of those pictures..." Amatsuki said as he halted in front of their house on the outskirts of town. "Well, we're here!"

Amatsuki walked to the door and pulled out his keys. He eased his set of keys into the lock and swung the door open.

"Please come in!"

Kashitaro only nodded smiling as he stepped inside the house, closing the door after he waited for the brunet to get inside as well.

"Is your friend in here?" Kashitaro asked as he looked around the house.

"He is~" Amatsuki said as he turned into the house and shouted. "Hikari I'm back! With the photographer!"

"Oh~ Great job, Shiro~ I knew we could count on you!" a pink-haired male exclaimed as he walked out of a room to the brunet with a bright smile.

"Thank you very much for accepting to do this for us!" he thanked the brunet, who only nodded with a smile.

"No worries. Anyways, where should we discuss things about your blog?" he asked them.

"Right this way!" Amatsuki said as he guided Kashitaro deeper into the house with Nqrse trailing behind.

The three of them stepped into a sitting room, and Amatsuki gestured for the brunette to sit down.

Kashitaro nodded as he sat down on the chair before carefully placing his camera down on his lap.

"So you guys needed me to take some pictures for you guys. Is there anything specific you wanted me to take?" he asked.

"Just some simple posing shots I guess..." Amatsuki mumbled. "Enough to get people interested in Hikari.”

"Alright. I think we can do that. Does one of you want to pose then and I will take a picture of you?" Kashitaro suggested.

"Hikari you know what to do~" Amatsuki said with a smile.

The pink-haired male nodded with a smile as he stood up and posed as the brunet only smiled and held the camera up to his face to take some pictures of the other male.

Meanwhile, Amatsuki slipped to the corner of the room and grabbed a baseball bat. He crept up behind the unsuspecting photographer, who was taking pictures of the pink-haired male that would probably never be used.

He swung, not hard enough to severely injure the photographer, but enough to knock him out cold immediately.

Nqrse easily caught the camera as the photographer fell face-flat, out like a light before he even hit the floor.


Luz sighed as he stepped out of his father's company's building.

He had been in there until this late due to a stupid meeting because those old geezers couldn't make up their minds.

He loosened his tie a little, deciding it may be better to walk back to cool off a little, before he had to give his father a formal report about the meeting back home.

He started walking at a slow pace, not really eager to go home. He didn't like all these boring meetings that he has to sit through every day, just because he was going to inherit the company.

"If only life could change a bit..." he mumbled to himself as he walked. "Maybe a little excitement in this boring life..."

"A little excitement huh~?" a pink-haired male asked with a grin as he appeared behind the light-haired male.

"Does someone need more entertainment in his life?" he asked with a wide smile.

The tall boy spun around in surprise and found the pink-haired male. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion and shook his head.

"I don't need it from you," he huffed and turned away.

"Eh~ How mean! Even though I wanted to offer you to come to our show..." the other male said, pouting.

Luz shot a glance at the pink-haired male, his expression neutral but his eyes glinting with curiosity.

"A show?"

"Yes~ It's a small show organized by me and my friends! Like a small circus~ We are a troupe that just move around a lot~ I am the rope dancer of the group, Hikari! Nice to meet you~" the pink-haired male said as he spun one time before he bowed.

"A troupe?" Luz asked, his curiosity increasing. Luz stared at the male before him for a while before introducing himself. "I'm Luz."

He chewed on his lip before opening his mouth again.

“So, you said you can entertain me?”

At that, the pink-haired male nodded enthusiastically.

"Entertainment is our job after all! We are always doing our best to make our audience smile and laugh!" Hikari exclaimed with a bright smile of his own.

Luz faced the pink-haired male again and crossed his arms.

"I'm not an easy person to entertain," he said with a smirk. "Are you sure you'll be able to entertain me?"

Hikari nodded with a confident smirk of himself.

"I have never failed to entertain anyone before. No matter how bored they were. So I am sure that I would be able to entertain you as well,” Nqrse said.

Luz's smirk widened.

"Then, how are you going to entertain me, Hikari-san?"

"Well, I have been told that I am a very entertaining dancer, pulling my audience into a trance. We have a studio close to here where I am always practicing the Trapeze and rope dancing," Nqrse explained.

Luz pondered on the offer. Maybe this will be interesting...

However, this pink-haired male was still a stranger that he met a few minutes ago. He carefully weighed his choices, to satisfy his curiosity or to stay safe.

"Prove that you won't waste my time, then I'll come to that studio of yours." Luz smirked at the boy before him. What would this male say?
"Oh, I am sure I won’t waste any of your time if I am even the least interesting. After all, you looked utterly bored, looking like you were craving the least of attention. But if I had to say something then..." the pink-haired male trailed off as he took the light-haired male's hand to spin himself around before putting his arms around the taller male’s neck.

"I guess I could teach you some dance moves for free~ Free trapeze lessons for you cause lucky for you, I am just in need of a dancing partner today~" Nqrse said, winking.

Luz's smile widened as he pried the boy’s arms of his neck.

"Leave the dance moves out, and I'll take on your offer."

"Eh~ And I was even being nice and all~ But your loss~ Well, the studio is just down this street~ Follow me~" the pink-haired male chirped as he walked ahead.
Luz quickly followed the pink-haired, his curiosity finally getting the best of him.
They walked down the streets until reaching a small building as the pink-haired male reached to open for the door, turning around with a small smile.

"Ah, don’t mind if my friend is also here. He is also working here with me so he is probably also training right now," the pink-haired male informed the light-haired male.

"I don't mind," Luz said as he followed the pink-haired male into the building.

"Good, good~ Akira-chan, I'm back! And I got a spectator with me today~", the pink-haired male called as he walked further into the room.

"A spectator?" An albino who was in the middle of the room stood up quickly. "What's with the sudden audience~"

"I'm Luz," the tall male quickly introduced himself. "Hikari here told me he can entertain me, so I'm here to see if he can live up to his words."

"Well, of course I am! After all, I am the best entertainer in this world, alright?" the pink-haired male said as he put his hands on his hips, standing there proudly.

"How narcissistic..." Luz mumbled to himself as he crossed his arms.

"That's just how he is~" the albino teased as he swiped the top hat from the floor. "But if our customer demands entertainment, entertainment we shall give!"

"Alrighty~ Please just stand over there then! Me and Akira-chan will show you a performance which will forever get engraved into your mind~" the pink-haired male told Luz as he motioned for the light-haired male to stand somewhere.

Luz quietly obeyed and stood to the side of the room where Hikari had told him to.

Akira placed the top hat on his own head with a smirk.

"Shall we start?"

"Yes~" Nqrse said as he walked up to the rope tied from both sides of the room, sighing to himself in his mind. He spent a lot of his time practicing just for this gig so everything would be a success.

Akira stepped closer towards the tall boy.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I am your host for today! My name is Akira." The albino pulled off his hat and took a deep bow before standing straight again. "We have our beautiful rope dancer, Hikari! Shall we all welcome him with a round of applause?"
Luz clapped gently, accompanied by Akira's own applause.

"Thank you for coming~ Prepared to be amazed and have your mind blown!" Nqrse exclaimed cheering before he took a deep breath and put on a serious face as he slowly stepped on the rope with an umbrella.

Making sure that he was standing properly, he opened the umbrella before throwing it up and making a pirouette and catching it again, hoping it would distract the taller male at least for a bit.

Akira stepped closer still, but not enough to raise Luz's suspicion.

The tall male admired the show, a small smile on his face.

It was interesting, sure, but still not enough to satisfy him.

The albino smiled as he now stood next to the tall boy, who was still watching the pink-haired male. He quickly scooped out a handful of white powder from his pocket.

"Enjoying the show?" he asked, catching the taller's attention.

As soon as Luz turned, the albino blew the powder into the boy's face.
Luz coughed and blinked in surprise, before feeling extremely drowsy.

He fell to the ground, his mind blank.

Hearing a loud thud resonating the room, the pink-haired male threw the umbrella away as he jumped down from the rope before walking towards them.

"Hope you enjoyed the show~ With everything happening right now, I am sure that I at least managed to make your boredom disappear~" Nqrse said with a grin as he eyed the taller male. "Hope you have sweet dreams, son of a CEO-chan~"

Luz gritted his teeth, wanting to yell at the pink-haired male, but he felt his consciousness slip and he fell into a deep sleep.


A raven-haired male was paying for his things at the cashier of the convenience store.

Taking the plastic bag from the table, he quickly muttered a goodbye before stepping out of the convenience store.

The sun was setting soon as the ravenette singer decided to buy and eat something before going to a bar of his friend to sing for his usual gig.

Seeing that it was almost time anyway, the raven-haired male sighed as he headed to the bar, deciding to eat later.

On his way, an albino ran into him by accident, causing him to drop the plastic bag.

"I-I'm sorry!" The albino quickly bowed.
Soraru sighed but only shook it off as he kneeled down to pick his plastic bag again.

"It's fine," the ravenette assured.

"Are you sure?" The albino lifted his head, a worried look on his face. "I'm really sorry!"

"It's fine really. Now excuse me, I have to get going," Soraru said as he moved forward again.

The albino quickly grabbed the raven-haired's arm.

"Are you really sure?" the albino asked worriedly. "Can I somehow pay you back for running into you?"

The albino looked at him with tears in his eyes.
The ravenette looked slightly troubled when he suddenly saw the albino close to crying as he shook his head.

"I am really fine, don’t worry about it. It was an accident and nothing happened after all, alright?" the older male assured the albino.

"B-But... are you really sure...?" A tear escaped his red eyes.

"Y-yeah. Please don’t worry about it. You did nothing wrong. I really have to go somewhere now but it’s fine, ok?" Soraru assured the younger male.

The albino rubbed at his eyes, trying to wipe his tears away, but they seem to keep falling out.

"A-Are you really, really sure...?" The albino's voice shook as he talked. "The last time I bumped into someone he wouldn't stop yelling at me... and I'm scared... Please at least let me somehow compensate you!"

"W-well, I really don’t mind. I'm not mad at you at all or anything," Soraru said as he looked at his wrist watch to see that he would be late if this goes on. "Listen. I'm in a bit of a hurry and really have to go somewhere. But don’t feel bad because you did nothing wrong, alright? I don’t know what else to say other than that but if you really do want to do something to compensate then just be more careful to look where you’re walking.”

The albino looked directly into the raven-haired's blue eyes, his eyes still holding fear. He quickly took another bow.

"Thank you so much for not being mad!" the albino said, still bowing.

"No problem," Soraru said. "Well, I'll be taking my leave now so take care."

The ravenette waved before getting ready to leave. He just knew that his friend would scold him for getting there late but it couldn’t be helped.

"Ah, before you leave, do you mind helping me...?" the albino asked as he lifted his head, wiping a few stray tears from his face.

"Help you? With what?" the ravenette asked.
"I really am in a hurry now so..." Soraru trailed off.

"Ah, I'm really sorry about that!" The albino looked like he was about to cry again. "I-I just need directions to the b-bar... I'm n-not familiar with the area..."

"The bar? I guess I can help you with that. I actually have to go there now so we can go there together I guess," Soraru said, immediately feeling guilty when he saw that the albino was on the verge of crying again.

"R-Really...?" The albino looked hopeful.

"T-Thank you so much..." The albino looked down nervously.

"No worries. Let’s get going then," Soraru said as he walked ahead, waiting for the albino to follow him.

The albino quickly followed him, but ended up tripping over thin air as he did.

He shut his eyes, waiting for the impact of him hitting the floor.

Before he could trip though, the ravenette has caught him as he carefully balanced the albino so he would stand straight again.

"You alright?" the older male asked.

"I-I'm sorry!" the albino squealed, his face red. "I-I'm f-fine..."

"That's good. Let's go then, alright?" the older male said before he slightly sped up his pace to get to the bar faster, making sure that the albino was still behind him.

The albino quickly ran after him, this time not tripping.

Soon, they arrived and the albino bowed again.

"Thank you so much for bringing me here!" he said in a grateful tone. "A-And I'm really sorry to make you late..."

"No problem. And it’s fine. I'll get going then so you take care," Soraru said before heading to the counter where his blonde friend was sighing.

"You're late, Soraru!" the short-haired woman scolded but the ravenette only rolled his eyes.

"I had something to do," Soraru said as he grabbed the mic that she was holding towards him.

"Just sing any song really! We are waiting~" she chirped and Soraru sighed but nodded. He went up to the small stage and sat down on the wooden chair.

"Um, hello, everyone. I'm Soraru and will sing some songs for you today again," he said as the audience cheered slightly.

Soraru only nodded in response before waiting for the music to start. He started to sing something for the audience as the customers listened to him while having their drinks.

The albino sat at the counter, nervous about being in a bar, but enjoying the raven-haired’s soothing voice.

"Welcome~ What would you like to order~?" Kuro asked as she walked over to the albino with a smile.

"U-Um..." The albino looked at the menu nervously before giving up and faced the bartender. "D-Do you know him well?"
The albino pointed at the singing raven-haired.

"I want to pay him back..."

"Oh, you mean Soraru? We’re friends, I guess and he sings at this bar at night. Why do you want to pay him back though?" the blonde female asked curiously.

"W-Well, he brought me here and he was late because I was holding him back..." The albino scratched his cheek. "Ah, I must apologize to you too! I'm sorry!"

"Oh, it’s fine, don’t worry about it!" Kuro assured him, laughing. "I just like to give him a bit of a time schedule because he would probably slack off if I didn’t."

"A-Ah... is that so...?" The albino swung his legs as he sat on the chair. "Then, can you help me...? I want to treat him to something he likes..."

"Something he likes huh... I guess he does like the drinks here,” Kuro answered. “But they are usually on the house for him because he sings here for free~ If you wanna buy him something though, I guess he really likes the Mont Blancs from a bakery close to here~ I don’t know if he will accept that though~"

"Mont Blancs..." the albino shuffled uncomfortably. "Are those expensive...? I don't have a lot of money on me..."

"Well, they wouldn’t sell them at this time anyway~ Hm... you really want to pay him back, don’t you? I think you don’t have to buy anything though~” Kuro chirped. “If it’s people like you, Soraru would almost accept about anything~"

The albino looked down.

"Th-then there's nothing I can do right now?" he asked softly.

Seeing the albino sitting there like that made the bartender feel bad and she patted the Mafumafu's head.

"Don’t say that~ I'm sure he will accept a simple thank you of you if you really mean it!" she encouraged the other male.

"But I don't want to just thank him, I want to at least compensate him with a drink..." The albino smiled happily as the bartender patted his head.

"Alright~ Then you pay his drink for today then, alright? I'll tell him that too," Kuro said with a smile as she pulled her hand away.

The albino bit his lip.

"Do you mind if I give him the drink myself?" the albino asked nervously. "I would like to thank him as I do..."

"Of course! I will bring his drink over to you then~" Kuro said as she went to make the ravenette's drink.

"Thank you so much!" the albino said happily before turning to face the singing raven-haired and stuffing his hand into a pocket.

His finger brushed over a small packet and a small hidden dark smile appeared on his face as he did.

Kuro only smiled as she went to make the ravenette's favorite drink. She usually would only do it on a special occasion because it was a pain to make.

But seeing that the albino was trying so hard to just thank the older male, it motivated her make it.

"Here you go~ Good luck~" Kuro told the albino with a grin before going to serve other customers as Soraru finished right then.

"Thank you for listening. See you tomorrow again," the raven-haired male said as he bowed before standing up.

The albino panicked slightly and quickly pulled the packet out.

He quickly dumped the contents into the drink quickly, stirring it a little as to not mess up the drink too much but enough to dissolve the powder.

The effects should start to affect the raven-haired in half an hour. Hopefully, he could get the raven-haired male out of the bar before it took effect.

Soraru had walked to the counter and sat down on one of the chairs as he waited for the blonde female to give him his usual drink.

"Thanks for your hard work~ I would give you your drink but someone decided that he wanted to pay for you~" Kuro said as she motioned towards the albino.

The albino got off his seat and walked towards Soraru before taking a seat next to the older.

"Um... This is thank you and sorry for everything you've done..." the albino mumbled shyly as he handed the cup to the raven-haired.

"You... really didn’t have to," Soraru said but nodded as he took the glass nevertheless. "But you seem really insistent on paying me back so I will take this. Thank you."

Soraru thanked the younger male before taking a sip from the drink.

The albino smiled brightly at him.

"D-Do you mind if I talk with you a little?" the albino asked softly.

The bartender smirked at the two, before leaving them in peace, continuing to serve her customers.

"Eh? I don’t mind I guess. Before that though, what's your name? I never asked you before because I didn’t know we’d talk more than before," Soraru said.

"O-oh! I never did introduce myself!" the albino sheepishly smile. "My name is Akira. Nice to meet you, Soraru."

"Oh, you know my name already huh. Nice to meet you too though.", the ravenette said as he took a gulp from his drink.

"Yeah..." The albino gestured to the blonde bartender. "She told me your name and you did introduce yourself before you sang just now."

The albino eyed the raven-haired's drink, barely able to contain a smile. He still needed to somehow get Soraru out of the bar before the drug takes effect.

"You sing really well Soraru," the albino complemented.

"You think? Thank you,” Soraru thanked the younger male.

"Do you like to sing too?" the raven-haired male asked, not knowing what else to ask, being the awkward person that he was.

"I sing sometimes... though I'm not that great at it..." the albino said shyly.

"I see... Well, I'm sure that you can sing as well," the older male assured the albino.

It wouldn’t be surprising for Soraru because the younger male's voice was nice to listen though already just when he was talking. High but still soft. Sounding a bit female-like but still showing signs that it was indeed the voice of a boy.

The albino looked down bashfully. He wasn't used to getting complemented, since he was part of the crooked society.

"Well your voice is definitely better than mine!" the albino said quickly.

As much as he want to chat with this ikemen forever, listening to his soothing voice, but he was working against time here. He had less than 20 minutes left, and he still had no plan.

"Well, we don’t know about that when you haven’t even sang yet, right?" Soraru asked as he laughed lightly and drank some more of his drink, almost emptying it.

"Well, I know so!" the albino argued. "I haven't sang in a while anyway so it probably would sound scratchy..."

"Well, you can always practice so you'll improve. I'm sure your voice will sound good more or less despite not practicing though," Soraru said.

"I won't definitely," the albino insisted.

His eyes trailed to the glass again. He probably only had around 15 minutes... How should he go about this?

He bit his lip nervously.

"Well, you won’t with that attitude. You should at least have more confidence," Soraru said, looking at his drink.

He then downed the last remaining of the drink before placing the glass down.

"Yeah right... confidence..." the albino sighed. "Um, are you free after this?"

“I guess I am... Why?", Soraru asked as he raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"Well..." the albino looked down nervously. He cursed internally. What should he say?
He shuffled nervously, trying to think of a solution.

"Hey... you alright? You can tell me. I will listen at least,” Soraru assured the younger male, looking slightly worried when he saw the albino looking so nervous.

"W-well... you know how I bumped into you just now...?" the albino bit his lip again. Was this even going to work?

"...Yeah?" Soraru said nodding, still confused as he waited for the younger male to continue.

"Well, I was trying to get away from someone who was following me..." the albino mumbled. "I thought it would be good to somehow find someone who is nice and can be trusted here..."

"And kinda get them to help me out?" The albino buried his face in his hands in embarrassment. Would he even believe this story? "This probably sounds so stupid and weird..."

"I see... No, don’t worry about it, it does makes sense. I heard that there have been many kidnappings in the last few days so I get why you would think so. I can’t do much to help but I guess I can accompany you home if you are living close by," Soraru suggested before he halted with a sheepish smile. "Only if you are comfortable with me though. It's fine if you’d rather find someone else. I could ask Kuro to bring you home. She can be reliable despite her looks."

"Ah... I rather ask you since I met you first..." the albino mumbled.

'And because you drank the drug,' he added silently. 'And is my target.’

"Alright. Then, let's get you back home then. I will also go home after I drop you off," Soraru said as he stood up.

"Thank you so much, Soraru!" The albino stood up too. "My house is pretty close by so it won't take much time."

"Mhm, let’s go then," Soraru said as he motioned for the albino to follow him.

The albino quickly paid the bartender and followed the raven-haired. There was only 5 minutes left, he needed to get Soraru somewhere quieter and less people.

The two of them stepped out of the bar, and the albino started to guide the raven-haired to a house nearby that he knew was abandoned.

"Really, really, thank you, Soraru..." the albino mumbled as they walked. "You've helped me so much..."

"No problem. I didn’t do much anyway," Soraru said as he waved it off. "Well, I'll be going then. Take care and have a nice night."

The raven-haired male waved as he turned to leave.

The albino smiled as he waved goodbye.

Any minute now...

Just as the ravenette was about to walkaway and leave, he suddenly felt his vision starting to blur and the older male stumbled a bit.

"Eh...? What the... hell?" Soraru muttered to himself as he tried to continue walking, feeling his mind growing heavier by any second.

The albino was by his side within the second.

"Soraru, are you okay?" His voice held worry, but his face was twisted into an evil smile, albeit the older did not notice it.

"I'm fine... Just feeling light-headed from the alcohol probably..." Soraru mumbled.

Still, he felt his head feeling heavier and heavier until his body soon gave in.

The albino grabbed a hold of the raven-haired, hugging him tightly so the older won't fall flat to the ground.

"Sleep, Soraru," the albino said softly. "You'll be fine."

"I'll take care of you."

Soraru wanted to tell the albino that he was really fine and didn’t need any help, but he couldn’t even speak anymore as his mouth felt numb.

And before he knew it, everything went black.


The green-eyed brunette sat up in his bed, panting.

Safe. He was safe. It was all just a nightmare.
He clutch his chest, trying to make his pounding heart calm down.

The recent cases of kidnappings had already made him paranoid, and he was constantly in fear.

The kidnappers seemed to be taking those that are famous, first the novelist Sou, then that annoying YouTuber and so on.

As a voice actor, he was famous too, so he couldn’t help but worry about it.

Urata slipped off of his bed and stood up. He didn't think he'll be able to sleep anymore due to his racing mind.

He check the clock. 1:05 a.m. At least he got about an hour of sleep.

He looked out the window, seeing the moon shining down.

Maybe he should go on a walk to calm his mind and his heart. Though there is a big risk of getting kidnapped...

He sighed.

Well, if he sees anyone suspicious he can just run back into the safety of his house... it's not like he's going to go far. Especially this late in the night.

With that in mind, he pocketed his phone and took his keys. He slowly walked out of his house, making sure to lock the door.

He faced the street. Where should he walk to...?

Deciding to just walk around the neighbourhood, he started a slow stroll, taking in the night air and attempting to calm his heart and mind.

Sakata was taking a walk around the place as well as he played with his hands. He hadn’t had any plan at all.

Sure, he got lucky last time because Shima was so nice and open to him.

But the fact that he had betrayed the purple-haired male's trust was still nagging him as he wondered if he could pull through this one as well.

For now, he decided that he would follow the brunet.

Urata sighed as he continued his walk.

So far so good.

No suspicious people lurking around and his mind felt a little calmer.

However, he was that type of guy that once he wakes up, he can't go back to sleep unless he was really exhausted.

So, he decided to continue his walk a little longer, hoping he would be able to get tired enough to sleep.

Sakata took a deep breath before deciding to just go for it as he called out to the older male, running up to him.

"Excuse me—"

Just as he did though he tripped over his feet, falling as he landed flat on his face.

Urata spun around in surprise, ready to run if needed. When he saw it was just a redhead on the ground, he sighed and relaxed himself.

"Oi, you okay?" he asked, not even attempting to help the redhead up.

"I-I’m fine!" the redhead stuttered as he quickly stood up again, brushing himself off quickly as he tried to pretend as if he didn’t just humiliate himself.

Urata glanced at the boy, quickly checking for any injuries before rolling his eyes and continued his walk, ignoring the redhead.

The younger male noticed that and he panicked. He quickly straightened his clothes before breaking into a run again to catch up with the brunet.

"W-wait, please!" Sakata exclaimed as he rushed to the older male.

"What?" the brunette asked rudely. His moment of peace has been destroyed by this stranger, and it was getting extremely late.

He was finally feeling a little tired, so he just wanted to hop into his bed and go back to sleep.

Sakata flinched at the brunet's cold attitude as he bowed several times automatically.

"I-I’m sorry! It’s just that I got lost and I really don’t know where to go! And there are was almost no one here besides you to ask..." Sakata said.

Being the idiot that he is, he actually got lost while searching for his target, not knowing where to go at all.

Urata glared at the boy.

"What are you? An idiot?" Urata clicked his tongue. "Why are you even out here this late at night?"

"I-I couldn’t sleep... So I thought I might take a walk to calm down but in the end... uhhh... as you can see, I got lost,” Sakata said scratching his cheek sheepishly.

"Ha?" the brunette's eyebrow raised in suspicion. "Do you even live here?"

"No, I don’t. I was actually only visiting my friend here and am staying over at his house. But I couldn’t sleep so I thought it’d be fine to take a small walk..." Sakata explained as he played with his fingers. "I didn’t know that I would end up getting lost..."

"You really are an idiot aren't you?" Urata asked before sighing. "What's your friend's address?"

"Ah, his address? It’s xxxxxx,” Sakata told the brunet as he scratched the back of his head. "At least, I think that it is."

"Wait... I'm not an idiot!", Sakata exclaimed once he realized what the brunet just called him.

"xxxxxx?" Urata frowned. That was his neighbour wasn't it? He wasn't aware that his neighbour had guests over...

He glanced at the redhead again. The boy seems honest, but an idiot. Seriously an idiot.

"Fine idiot, I'll lead you there. You better keep up and don't fall again, I'm not waiting for you," Urata warned, before turning to walk again, a little faster this time.

"Ah, thank you very much!” Sakata exclaimed as bowed several times.

"I'm also sorry for causing you trouble! But would you please stop calling me an idiot?" the redhead asked with a small pout in his face.

"No,” the brunette answered simply. "Now hurry up."

"Ehhh? Ah, y-yes!" Sakata exclaimed before following the brunet.

The brunette stalked through the streets, a little mad that he now had company.

His paranoia was kicking in, and he couldn't help but suspect the boy.

Who the hell would walk around at midnight? Oh, wait, that includes him.

Who the hell would walk around at midnight in a neighbourhood that was unfamiliar? Yeah, an idiot. And that was exactly what the redhead was.

"So why were you out here at this time?", Sakata asked as he fumbled with his fingers nervously as the brunet had been silent and was giving him the cold shoulder. "A-ah, my name is Sakata by the way! What's yours?"

"Same as you," Urata answered coldly, opting to ignore the second question. Why should he give a stranger his name?

"Oh, ok,” Sakata said, noticing that the brunet didn’t want to reveal his name and decided to leave it.

"So you couldn’t sleep either huh?" Sakata asked, laughing lightly.

"Yeah." The brunette glanced at the redhead again.

His gut was telling him that this redhead was very suspicious. After all, his neighbour was someone who didn't like people who was as cheerful as the boy before him. Maybe his neighbour had a soft heart for the boy. Who knows?

Sakata felt very nervous. The brunet clearly didn’t trust him and he just hoped that someone was already at their destination to help him.

Unfortunately for him, he just knew that he couldn’t do it alone despite the older male being shorter.

He could already imagine how he would end up with some broken bones if he even attempted to pick the other male up.

"A-are we almost there?" Sakata asked.

"Yeah," The brunette answered in a neutral tone.

Thank god that they weren't too far off. Urata wasn't sure how long he could he keep his paranoia in check anymore.

The brunette's house was just up ahead, and so was the destination for the redhead.

They arrived before the brunette's house and Urata pointed to his neighbour's house.

"There's your place," he said before he turned to walk up to his own front door.

"Eh? Ah, thank you very much! Is there anything I can do to thank you for taking your time and bringing me back?" Sakata asked, panicking internally.

Before the brunette could answer, a figure appeared from the other house.

"Sakata! There you are!" the figure, a red-eyed brunette, said in an exasperated tone. "Do you even know how panicked I was to see you gone in the middle of the night?!"

"I-I’m sorryyy, I couldn’t sleep so I wanted to take a walk,” Sakata apologized as he hugged the brunet as a silent thank for his saviour to come and help him.

The red-eyed brunette sighed as he hugged the boy tightly, signalling for the redhead to leave the talking to him.

He let go of the redhead and faced the shorter male, who was shuffling nervously.

"Thank you so much for helping Sakata back!" The red-eyed brunette flashed a smile at the shorter. "Sakata is a bit of an idiot so he doesn't think before he acts."

Urata nodded in agreement.

"E-eh?! First him and then you... I am not an idiot!" Sakata exclaimed as he looked at both of them in disbelief.

Sure, he might mess up sometimes or maybe he should say a lot of times… and sure he had done some things like almost burning down their house and such… but that certainly didn’t make him an idiot!

"Then, what should I call someone who wanders around in an unfamiliar neighbourhood at midnight?" Urata retorted.

"Eh? Um...." Sakata trailed off as he didn’t know how to defend himself before deciding to shrug it off as he tried to change the topic. "A-anyways, just call me Sakata!"

Urata snickered while the red-eyed brunette tried to stifle a laughter.

"Anyway, thank you very much. Is there any way we can pay you back...?" the taller brunette asked, trailing off since he was trying not to give away the fact he already knew the shorter's name.

Urata bit his lip in hesitation. Should he give away his name?

"Urata." He finally answered after a small silence.

"I'm Shiro," the male said with a smile. "So, is there any way to compensate you?"

"No, I'm fine," Urata mumbled, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Wait... how come you tell Shiro your name but decided to ignore me when I asked?!" Sakata asked as he pouted. "B-but Shiro is right! Is there really not anything we can give you back? You helped me get back here after all! Without you, I would have wandered around for the rest of the night probably!"

"I don't need anything from you two." Urata shuffled uncomfortably at how insistent the two were. "Just leave me alone."

He turned to leave.

"Ehh?! W-wait!" Sakata exclaimed as he looked at the brunet in distress, not knowing what to do.

"What else do you need?" Urata threw an annoyed side glance at the two.

"Well, he doesn't like to not give back to those who helped him." Amatsuki gestured to the redhead. "So why not just let him give you something in return?"

Urata sighed before he turned back and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Then, you decide. I don't have anything I want nor need." Urata stared at the redhead, expectantly.

"Eh? Um... how about... food? I mean, food is nice sooo..." Sakata trailed off as he started playing with his hands again. "It’s delicious and such! So I could treat you to some sushi sometime in the future?"

Urata furrowed his eyebrows.

Sushi? Seriously?

However, in order to get the redhead off his back, he nodded reluctantly.

“That's great!" Amatsuki clapped his hands together. "When will you be free?"

"Ah, could you give me your phone number then? We can decide for a time together and then I can treat you to something as a thanks!" Sakata exclaimed.

Urata sighed dejectedly.

"Sure, just give me your phone and I'll type it in," Urata mumbled. His agent was not going to be proud of him for giving his personal number away.

"A-Ah, I forgot my phone inside!" Sakata said as he took out a piece of paper and a pen out.

"Could you write it on here instead?", he asked as he handed the older male a piece of paper and a pen.

Urata reluctantly grabbed the paper and pen before looking down as he tried to write on the paper without a hard surface.

The taller brunette pulled out a rock from his pocket and quickly swung it hard against Urata's head.

Urata dropped the pen and paper as he fell to the ground, dazed.

"I'm so sorry that this had to happen to you when all you did was help me... I'm very sorry..." Sakata apologized, looking at the brunet in guilt.

The brunette gritted his teeth and glared at the two from the floor.

The hit had been enough to daze him, but not enough to knock him unconscious.

"I don't need your apologies," Urata said harshly. "If you're gonna kidnap me just do it already!"

‘Might as well just get this kidnapping over with...' he thought to himself with a sigh.

“With pleasure~" the red-eyed brunette hovered over the boy before he slammed the rock on Urata's head again, this time sending him into unconsciousness.

(7976 words)

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