Chapter 4: Negotiations and Counteroffers

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AN from MaiMia: Well this turn out... ;w; 

Enjoy Reading~

The albino sighed as he stood outside the door leading to the basement.

'What a bummer...' Mafumafu pouted. 'Naruse-chan is not letting me immediately start...'

How should he even ask that stubborn Osora dude to pay?

He swung open the door and stepped in, causing the people inside to look at him.

"What are you doing here?" Urata snapped, but the albino dutifully ignored him.

He stood in front of the raven-haired and knelt down.

"What do you want? I won't pay you the damn money," Soraru told the albino as he clicked his tongue and slightly glared at him.

The albino rolled his eyes, refusing to answer as he reached for the rope on the raven-haired's legs.

Soraru only stayed still and let the albino cut the rope before sitting there carefully seeing what Mafumafu would do next.

The albino produced a blindfold and gestured for Soraru to turn around, still staying silent as he wondered how to 'talk' to this stubborn music producer.

Soraru thought about the possibilities he had. Either he struggled or just do as he was told. For now, he thought that the wisest thing to do for now was to do as he was told and he turned around like the albino gestured him to.

Mafumafu quickly tied the blindfold around the boy, taking away the raven-haired's sight temporarily.

He then stood up, slighting yanking the boy's arm.

"Stand," he finally said.

Soraru nodded as he got up before following the albino out of the room, leaving the others behind as they wondered what would happen to him.

The albino carefully guided Soraru up a few flights of stairs, and into one of the empty rooms they had in the house.

He carefully set the raven-haired on the only chair in the room and yanked off the blindfold.

Soraru only stared at him blankly before he spoke up, his voice sounding like how he usually talked with strangers.

"Gonna use torture on me now to get your money?" Soraru asked.

"Unfortunately I've been banned on that option," Mafumafu said with a sigh. "Apparently, I need to talk to you first."

"Oh, how nice. I would love to talk with you," Soraru said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

Mafumafu sighed as he stepped back and opened the door.

"Hikari he already refused to talk!" Mafumafu yelled. "Can I torture him yet?"

"That wasn't even five minutes! Talk more!" Nqrse shouted back as the ravenette only looked at the albino annoyed.

"Wow, you are a psychopath in reality huh?" Soraru asked.

"Damn it," the albino muttered to himself as he shut the door before turning to the raven-haired. "So what if I am?"

"Wow, not even denying it," Soraru said as he rolled his eyes once more. "Well, you just convinced me more to not give you the money thank you. I still had slight hope that everyone might be right and you guys are just normal people but let's just forget this now."

"We are normal people," Mafumafu said as he leaned against the door. "We just have psychopath tendencies. We don't go out and kill people for the heck of it!"

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