Chapter 3: The price to freedom

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AN from MaiMia: My AN is the same as Mikoto's AN

AN from Mikoto: *non-existent*

Enjoy reading~

Urata groaned as he blinked awake. His head was still pounding from the two blows he received from Shiro. Or was that even his real name?

The first thing he found out was he was lying on the cold floor of a large room.

The second thing he found out was his hands had been cuffed behind him and his legs tied together so he couldn't escape.

The third was there was another seven people in the room, all either slowly waking up from unconscious or staring blankly into space, faces filled with terror, shock and betrayal.

He recognised a few of them. They were all the people that had been kidnapped before him...

"Oh, so someone else also woke up huh," a raven-haired male said who was sitting close to the brunet. "You were passed out for a pretty long time so I thought that they must have really hit you hard."

"Try getting hit in the head twice with a stone," the short brunette grumbled as he pushed himself into a sitting position, his head still pounding.

"Well at least you didn't get tazed..." a mushroom-haired male, who was sitting on the opposite of the pair, mumbled.

"I got poisoned. Really sad how I trusted him enough to not notice that he actually drugged my drink," the raven-haired male said laughing bitterly.

"Thought I do think that some people have it worse here," he said as he looked into a corner of the room.

A blond novelist was sitting there, trying to make himself as small as possible as he was sobbing uncontrollably.

Urata bit his lip as he glanced at the crying boy.

"They're doing this for money, aren't they?" A purple-haired piped up with a sad tone. "What a pity people are such money-grubbers..."

"Maybe they have their reasons..." the mushroom-haired mumbled sleepily. "But it's still no excuse to kidnap people..."

"I guess you shouldn't judge a book by its cover..." a blond artist mumbled to himself.

"I hope they try to reconsider what they are doing," a brunet said. "They look like they are nice so I want to believe it until I know their reason."

A light-haired male barked out a laughter.

"What other reason is there then wanting or needing money?" the tallest of them all snapped. "This is so stupid... They'll get into serious trouble with the law if they get found out."

"If they did that even despite that, they must be very desperate and have no other choice or they are just that idiotic," the ravenette said, sighing.

"Well, you're right for one of them." A voice familiar to some rang as the door leading out swung open. "We are desperate and we have no choice."

The room turned to find the four kidnappers standing there. They entered the room awkwardly and shut the door behind them.

"We're really sorry to do this to you guys," the albino said.

"You say that you're sorry yet you kidnapped us," the raven-haired male said with a glare. "Eight people too."

"W-what have we done to deserve this?" the blond novelist asked as he tried to stop crying.

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