Chapter 13: The trail that follows you

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AN from MaiMia: Miko has officially made my heart flutter from fluff ww This whole chapter was a roller coaster and I finally made Miko agree that angst can be nice ww

AN from Mikoto: Never have I ever switched so often between angst and fluff in a story Www What even happened

Enjoy reading~

"So Mafu was suggesting that we four of us call the two that we're in charge of," Amatsuki said as he sat on the pink-haired male's bed. "What do you think?"

The two of them were sitting in Nqrse's room, where the pink-haired male was sorting out the details he had received from the eight hostages.

"Well, I'm fine with that~" Nqrse chirped. "I mean, I intended on just asking all of them myself but if you guys wanna do it too it is less work for me~"

"Well, we didn't want to stress you so we suggested that," Amatsuki hummed as he fiddled with Kashitaro's camera. "When should we make the call?"

"I would do it as soon as possible~ So, if you are gonna go to your Kashitaro-san now anyways, you can ask him then~" Nqrse answered as he glanced at the brunet before grinning when he saw the other male holding the photographer's camera.

"E-Eh?!" The brunette nearly dropped the camera in his shock. "H-He's not mine! Leave your teasing for Mafu!"

"But he's not here and you are~" the pink-haired male said, snickering in satisfaction when he saw the brunet's expression. "Anyways, I still gotta do some things so go, go~ Don't wanna keep your Kashitaro-san waiting, do we~?"

"S-Stop that!" Amatsuki quickly stood up and coughed awkwardly. "Back to the main point, where should we ask them to send the money to and can I get his details so I don't have to ask him again?"

"Let them send the money to the forest or something~ And yeah sure get his details~" Nqrse answered as he turned to put the papers into a stack for Amatsuki to look through.

"The forest?" Amatsuki blinked at the statement before he started to shuffle through the papers to look for Sou's and Kashitaro's details. "Won't that like bring them to us or something?"

"Whoops, stupid me~ I meant the park~ Tell them to put the money under the bench there or something like that~" Nqrse told him.

"Ueno park?" Amatsuki asked as he pulled out the two papers he needed. "Or are we talking about another park?"

"No, no that's the right one, don't worry~" the pink-haired male told him.

"Okay~" Amatsuki hummed as he picked up one of the disposable phones they bought to call for ransom. "I'll tell them to put it under the bench at the west entrance then."

"Mhm, do that~ Good luck with that~ If there are any problems just tell me~" the pink-haired male told him as he waved at the brunet.

"Okay," Amatsuki chirped before teasingly smirk at the pink-haired. "Hope you have a great time interacting with Luz later~"

The pink-haired male flinched when hearing that as he only grinned back at the brunet not make his blush to obvious.

"Of course I will~ Teasing everyone is just that fun~ Anyways, bye bye~"

Amatsuki pouted when he didn't get the reaction he wanted but waved goodbye to the pink-haired male before slipping into the basement. Ignoring everyone else, he headed towards Kashitaro with the camera in hand.

"Ready to go out?" Amatsuki smiled gently as he reached for the rope on Kashitaro's tied legs.

"We're going out? Well, I'm always ready to get some fresh air," the older brunet said laughing lightly. He felt the ropes around his legs loosening as he stood up, shaking his legs a bit before following Amatsuki out of the basement.

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