Chapter 10: Mini conversations, hidden feelings

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AN from MaiMia: For once Miko actually caught me off guard xD My brain is still sizzling from writing it ww

AN from Mikoto: Evesou is just the type of couple you have to tease so regrets ww

Enjoy reading~

Sou had always adored books for he could simply enjoy them in silence, getting lost and immersed into a world that only could be possible in books.

That is why, he loved it whenever it was quiet so that he could concentrate on enjoying books and such.

This time though, he couldn't bring himself to enjoy the silence. Not with his kidnapper walking next to him as the novelist didn't know what might happen to him.

Amatsuki in the meantime had his mind racing as he remembered the past hour with Kashitaro.

His face reddened at the thoughts and he mentally punched himself for being such an embarrassment.

Deciding he had enough of the silence, he turned to see the terrified blonde beside him. Not that he can blame Sou for being terrified, it was probably quite a traumatising experience to get kidnapped.

"Hey," Amatsuki started awkwardly, not quite knowing how to start a conversation. "So what's with you and that actor?"

Hearing that kind of question all of a sudden, Sou couldn't help but be startled as he looked at the brunet confused. More like, he looked towards the direction where the other male was standing.

"E-eh? Me and Eve-san? N-nothing really... we are just talking to keep each other some company and such..." the novelist explained.

"Really?" Amatsuki asked as he tilted his head. "You two seem really, really close. Like just now when he gave you that smile, you seemed to have cheered up a little..."

"W-well, that's just because Eve-san is good at comforting people. I'm sure it's just because he's used to it!" Sou said as a small blush formed on his face.

"Really~" Amatsuki teasing, seeing the flusteredness of the boy. "Then why are you blushing now~"

"B-because it's embarrassing to talk about it is all!" Sou exclaimed as he felt the need to cover his face if he could.

Amatsuki laughed softly at the novelist.

"If you say so~" he chirped as he pulled the novelist along, bringing him to a big old tree that grew in the middle of the forest.

The younger male only let himself get pulled as he slightly relaxed more at least, following the brunet to wherever he was pulling him.

Once they were there, Amatsuki helped the blonde novelist sit down on the ground next to the tree and knelt down beside him.

"I'm taking off your blindfold, is that okay with you?" he asked softly, not wanting to scare the blonde even more.

Sou was still slightly scared but decided to at least calm down now as the brunet didn't seem like he had any intent to hurt him now. So, Sou only nodded quietly in response, waiting for the other male to take the blindfold off.

Carefully, Amatsuki slipped the blindfold off, revealing the quiet nature of the forest.

"There," Amatsuki said with a warm smile. "Don't be scared, I don't bite."

Seeing that smile on Amatsuki's face, Sou couldn't help but believe him even after everything that happened as the younger male returned the brunet's smile with a small smile of his own. He then took in the scenery around him as he stared at it with a soft smile.

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