Chapter 8: Small talks, changing lives

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AN from MaiMia: I successfully made Mikoto go "Mai-san whyyyyyyy" multiple times, I feel accomplished xD This part is a little on the long side, but I'm sure you guys will enjoy it! We didn't even expect it to be so long... alongside some surprises *coughs*
Also!! We updated our story cover to a drawing from OsamaNekoni! Grandpa's art is always so beautiful OwO... We're both very happy with it!

AN from Mikoto: I blushed, laughed and cried while writing this chapter together with Mai-san but it was still fun www I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter despite it being a bit long!

Enjoy reading~

"So..." Amatsuki started but didn't know how to continue as he guided the older brunette around for a walk.

The red-eyed brunette sighed to himself. What was he supposed to use as a conversation starter in this situation?

"The weather is nice, isn't it?" Kashitaro asked as he smiled slightly while making sure to not trip or anything and breathed in the fresh air.

"It is!" Amatsuki quickly said grateful for a conversation starter. "I really hope the weather stays this way for the whole week."

"U-Um..." he said awkwardly. "Do you like nice weathers?"

"Yeah, they're nice," the older male answered. "It's really great when the weather is nice because you can go outside and take really nice pictures."

"You must really like to take photographs..." Amatsuki mumbled, a little envious. "Must be nice to have something you like to do?"

"Well, I didn't like to do it that much at the beginning but it changed now. Maybe you will find something you like to do sooner or later," Kashitaro assured the younger male.

"I would hope so~" Amatsuki hummed. "What got you into photography? I'm kinda interested after I read some of your background."

"What got me into photography..." Kashitaro tilted his head as he thought of the reason he delved into photography. "Well, it started when some people asked me to take pictures for them in exchange for money. I needed to get money in some way so I accepted."

"But taking pictures of things you don't like can be a bit boring so I only got to like it after I started taking random pictures of everything and finding things I actually liked to take photos of. I remember how I even got lost once just because I got too much into taking pictures and forgot where I was even going." Kashitaro explained with a fond smile.

Amatsuki smiled too, laughing softly at the statement.

"You keep getting lost, huh?" the red-eyed brunette chuckled softly. "Photography sounds fun... Personally I rather find a job in cooking..."

"But I got rejected at multiple restaurants in an attempt to find work," Amatsuki scoffed. "Their excuse was so stupid too!"

"Eh, really? What was the reason?" Kashitaro asked curiously after hearing that.

"'You're from that part of town, we can't trust you'," Amatsuki grumbled. "That was my last try before I resorted to crime with the rest of them."

"I think our benefactor would be disappointed in us if they saw us..." he mumbled softly with a sad smile.

"Well, I think that it was probably not the best solution but you guys did what you had to after everything that you guys tried," the brunet said, trying to console the younger male at least a bit. "I'm wondering though, have you ever thought about just opening your own restaurant or something like that?"

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