Chapter 17: The Melody for you

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AN from MaiMia: I died of laughter and cringe yet again *thumbs up* At least Miko enjoyed all my cringe ww And I had to do more research for this part because my pea sized brain couldn't remember certain things ;'D

AN from Mikoto: Mikoto's AN is no AN thank you and have fun reading this ww

Enjoy reading~

The fresh slightly cold air in the forest. The light scent of the trees that were in there. And of course, the deafening silence in between a certain albino and raven-haired male were also part of it.

Soraru had seen that the younger male could talk quite a bit if he wanted to but of course he couldn't talk at all when it was with him.

Did he give out that kind of a cold aura which told people to not talk to him?

Ok maybe.

But did he ever on purpose?

Ok maybe to some certain people.

Now that Soraru thought about it, the silence made perfectly sense. In the end, the older male decided to just do this as quickly as possible to spare the two of them any more awkwardness.

"Hey, you. You wanted to know who to call for the money right? You can either a... 'friend'... of mine who knows how to pay for me," Soraru said, sighing when he thought of the only person who knew about him producing music.

"U-Um, yeah!" Mafumafu quickly said before tilting his head curiously. "But why does Soraru-san say friend that way?"

"No reason. I just find him extremely weird," the older male said as he thought of how he had to answer a lot of questions for a certain brown-haired male sooner or later.

"Weird...?" Mafumafu frowned slightly as he looked to the sky thoughtfully. "Weird how? Can't be as weird as Sakata reacting to my drink that I made for him."

"What? And yes he is weird. Talks about things I don't understand almost all the time. Gives me weird nicknames and more. I don't want to go into detail," Soraru said as he sighed, being reminded of that 'friend' of his.

"Okay, okay," Mafumafu quickly said sensing the need for a change in topic. "Do you want to take your blindfold off...? I think you're the only one who hasn't seen the forest by now..."

"Well, if I can sure. I wouldn't mind being able to see where I'm going again," the older male responded.

Mafumafu hummed as he gently pulled off the blindfold, showing the raven-haired the forest world before him.

Soraru took in the fresh air as he looked at the forest before him, thinking that it was, despite this place being in the southern part of the city, a nice place where one could relax.

"Do you like the view?" Mafumafu asked softly as he tugged at Soraru's arm, guiding him down a small path.

The raven-haired male hummed in response as he followed the younger male to where he was going.

"It's really nice out here even if I don't go outside that much," the raven-haired said.

"I can understand," the albino said with a soft chuckle. "Hikari and Shiro keeps complaining how I don't go out much since I'm a shut in."

"Wow, seems like we have things in common. Both of us being shut-ins with messed up sleeping schedules is such a nice thing," Soraru said with a hint of sarcasm as he laughed lightly.

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