Chapter 21: The End

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AN from MaiMia: So... This is the last chapter ヾ(^^ゞ) We've come so far ww We started this book on June 3rd and here we are now~ Thank you everyone for supporting this book~ Also, the last chapter was never meant to be fluffy so... ;'D

AN from Mikoto: Mikoto is sad and wants to cry and go into her corner and di— fly into heaven and save them from their suffering

Enjoy reading~

As dusk approached them, the deadline was drawing closer too.

Amatsuki had sent Sakata and Mafumafu a message, telling them to collect the money and quickly return, where they will immediately release everyone and get the hell out of there.

Simple plan.

What could go wrong?

The albino sighed as he read the message.

"Looks like we're collecting the money since we're out," he said to the redhead as he kept his phone. "Finally this can be over."

"And finally we can stop worrying about problems like these!" Sakata exclaimed happily as they were walking. He was just happy that everything would almost be over.

"And we can finally live in peace," Mafumafu added as the two of them headed to Ueno Park.

"Yes! Anyways, are we going to wait here for them to come with the money? Will Ama-chan and Nqrse come or?" the redhead asked as he followed the albino.

"Well, it's almost 5pm, so most likely all of them would have put the money there," Mafumafu said. "And by the way Ama-chan said it, looks like it's only us two."

"Okay then! Let's get the money quickly and get back then!" the redhead exclaimed before he spotted Ueno park in front of them.

"Mhm~" the albino hummed as the two quickened their pace towards the west entrance.

When the two of them arrived, they found the exact bench littered with exactly 8 bags, some in cases and some in knapsacks.

"Looks like they all paid," Mafumafu said as he looked around, checking the surroundings. "We better hurry and get out as soon as possible."

Sakata nodded as he took four of the bags, waiting for the albino to take the rest of the bags.

"Then let's get back quickly, Mafudon! So that we can get out of here!"

"Mhm~ Mhm~" The albino hummed as he picked up the other four and the two sped off back to their house.

Unbeknownst to them, they were being watched very, very closely by shadows hiding in the bushes. The two of them arrived back at the house, breathless from their run.

"We're home!" the albino shouted as the two of them entered.

"Welcome back," Amatsuki said as he appeared from the kitchen.

"Welcome back~ Did you get the money?" Nqrse asked as he walked down the stairs.

Sakata nodded in response, holding the bags up.

"Yup, we have everything!" he exclaimed.

"Great~ So... How about we get out of this city before making a call to everyone and tell them that they can get their friend or whatever back?" Nqrse suggested.

"Mhm," the albino readily agreed, but there was an uneasy feeling in his chest.

Things had gone very smoothly, it feels as if... something may go wrong right in this moment.

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