The Last Time

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Bright is so tired with Win's guess-what-I-mean games. He really didn't know what is their issue in the first place of their endless fights.

After a hard day at work all Bright ever wanted is to be loved

“Alright, you know what. I promise to book a flight for you to Maldives okay? You are stressing out alone from taking care of Light, you don’t even know what are you saying. I promise to buy you the latest ticket I can get. Maybe next week is possible.”

At that moment, all of Win’s trust and loves towards Bright shatter into pieces. He didn’t expect Bright to be so blind to see his bleeding and aching heart.

“I don’t want that stupid trip! I don’t need them! What is not clicking in your head?!”

Win raises his voice louder and harsher than he intended.

“YOU! Your fucking behavior right now! This fight is wasting my time! What the fuck do you want, Metawin!

“YOU! I WANT YOU BACK STUPID!” Win yells with all his heart, his face turns red from frustration and anger. His pooling tears breaks into a river and his body is shaking from hard sobbing. Win is a crying mess right now.

“you are barely at home Bright! You left us in the early morning and comes back only on the next day! It is almost 2 years Light haven’t see his Dad!”

“Don’t exaggerate Win, you know I am busy. There are many urgent matters at the office.” Bright’s heart is terribly pounding inside his ribcages, 2 years sound so wrong.

“so me and Light are not important at all? Is that why you neglect us like some sort of used toys? Is that why you’ve been treating us like nothing but shits?!”

“SHUT YOUR MOUTH METAWIN! You know that is not true!” Bright tries to defends himself.

“Then tell me why weren’t you at Light’s school today?! You promised our son to see him run, to wait for him at the finishing line! BUT WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?!"

"I called you thousand times desperately, stupidly wishing you won’t forget about your empty promises again!”

Now the missing piece Bright’s been wondering all day is found.

“Fuck, I’m sorry. I was too caught up with my works today”

“It always the same excuse Bright, can you imagine how tired we are listening to your bullshits”

Win walks closer to Bright, standing 3 foots away. His red shot eyes glare at Bright.

“Look, things like these can happen, it is not like I intentionally forget about this. I was busy babe.” Bright tries to reason Win.

“yeah, things like these happens every fucking times. You completely ignore about us and continuously make the same dumb mistake all over again”.

Win is pouring all his pent up frustration out caused by Bright. He had enough of Bright’s behavior.

“Win, I never ignore you and Light. I did spend my free time with both of you didn’t I? Stop being ridiculous!”

Win’s next speech is full of rage and he is offended by Bright’s blunt lies right in front of him. Win can no longer tell if Bright is just too stupid or too blind to see him hurting. 

“really? when is the last time you sit down and talk to Light?! When is the last time you give him hugs and kisses?!” 

Win’s heart is in so much pain. Every night, he silently begs that all the loud ignorance from Bright is just a mere nightmare. That Bright is actually in the bed, sleeping with him.

“when is the last time you kiss me? When is the last time you hold me in your arms? When Bright?! Answer me!”

Suddenly Bright’s throat is so dry. Too dry that he cannot answer Win’s questions. Bright stands still at his place as he watches Win broke down again and again tonight.

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