One Time Thing

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Bright muffles out a moan into Win’s mouth, he tries to stop Win by holding tight on Win’s hips to prevent any more friction. In between their kisses, Bright manages to call out for Win,

“b-babe” “baby please” Even though it does sound like another blissful moan to Win, Win notices the sound of hesitation in Bright’s tone so he halts his action. Both of them pulls away completely off each other with heavy breathes, gasping for oxygen. 

“why? Don’t you want me anymore?” Win questions Bright as he is catching up his breaths. After multiple times of heavy cries and dreadful fights, Bright didn’t get his hopes high to have Win to want him ever again.

“bullshits. I’ve always wanted you, I’ve always need my good baby boy.” Bright replies with no hints of doubts. Bright pulls Win to lean closer at him until their forehead is connected to each other and their noses touching one another. Both pair of eyes are staring deeps into their souls.

“but are you sure peaches? It’s been so long since I tasted you, I’m scared I might ruin you tonight. I don’t think I can’t stop myself anymore.”
Bright honestly said.

Win gulps in anticipation at Bright’s words. He is turned on by his imaginations on how wild Bright can go all night since they did stop fucking a long time ago. And he missed it, he wants it. He wants it now.  

Without warning, Win licks Bright’s lips

“yes, I’m sure daddy” Win said. He then continues to suck Bright’s jawline.

“ruin me, fuck me, wreck me however you want. I want it all.” Win leaves kisses on Bright’s collarbone, going up and up to his jawline then Win gives a hot kiss on Bright’s red plump lips.

“I want you, daddy. Want you now” Win confidently said. He watches Bright’s eyes are dark, full of lust.  Win admires Bright’s swollen lips and little hickeys he made himself on Bright’s long neck. Bright’s firm grips on Win’s hips tells Win enough that Bright is still contemplating, trying his best to not lose control. Win dislikes Bright’s action.

Bravely, Win dives again into Bright’s neck giving sweet kisses and moves to suck Bright’s earlobe- his weakest and sensitive spot-

“please daddy, please take me tonight.” Win whispers in Bright’s ear. Bright caught off guard with Win’s unexpected begging and he loses it. Bright can’t no longer holds back his growing lusts.

“Fuck” Bright growls. He rolls over both of them on the bed to have Win underneath him. Bright locks Win’s arms with his both hands above Win’s head on the bed. He brings his swollen lips to crave beautiful greedy marks on Win’s fair neck. Bright licks, sucks and nibble over and over again all over the place. Marking his lover, his husband.

Bright let go of Win to have his hands under Win’s shirt, feeling the soft skin and playing with the hard nipples until he takes off Win’s shirt completely. Bright jumps on the hard red nipples and uses his mouth skills.

“o-off, shirt.” Win is fisting Bright’s shirt, signaling him to take off his too. Bright did takes off his shirt while he is leaving a trail of kisses down to Win’s body.

 “Ahhhh~” Win let out moans after moans for Bright’s skills with his closed eyes, receiving all the pleasures he missed, but he needs more.

“d-daddy please, m-more.” Win begs shamelessly.
“I got you baby, daddy got you don’t worry” Bright said.

Bright kisses stop exactly under Win’s belly button, “can I peaches?” he asks Win for a permission to take off the boxer. Win’s heartbeats are starting to pound against his chest, he is suddenly questioning to himself.

am I doing the right thing? I want this but-

When Win feels his boxer is being pulled down, he panics. “Wait!”

Win stays silent for a moment and Bright thought it is a yes but Win’s panic yells stop Bright from his action. “baby, are you okay?” Bright asks worriedly while caressing Win’s exposed thick thighs.

“I-I… I” Win is stuttering, trying to explain to Bright.

“shhs, it’s fine,” Bright moves up to face Win. Along the way, he kisses Win’s upper body again- the bellybutton, stomach, chest, collarbone and finally Win’s neck-  Bright left hand cups Win’s left cheek lovingly. Bright understands Win’s sudden hesitation, maybe they are moving a little too fast.

“if my baby is not ready yet, then daddy will stop. daddy don’t mind at all.” Bright said truthfully, he is neither upset nor mad.
However, Win shakes his head furiously and places his right hand on top of Bright’s on his left cheek and reaches out his other hand to Bright’s right cheek.

“no, I want this. It just, I don’t want this to be a onetime thing. I don’t want to wake up to a cruel reality of losing you back the next morning. Right now, especially tonight-"

Win flashes his beautiful smile to Bright, hiding his insecurities.

“is amazing daddy, I get to feel your love, your touch. I wish this night is longer, never ends, if I get to have all of you tonight.  I know I said I trust that daddy is changing but a part of me can’t help but to think daddy can forget about me again.”
Tears are pooling in Win’s eyes.

“I might be selfish right now but please,” Win moves both his arms to Bright’s neck, pulling him close enough to listen at his own pitiful begs.

“promise me you won’t ever do that again. Please promise me you won’t forget about me and Light. I don’t think I can go through this same madness. But if this ever happens against our willing,” Win pulls Bright face close to him, their heads are connected.

please come back and love us again. I really love you Bright, I don’t want to lose you.” Win sobs, then cries.

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