5 minutes

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9:45 pm, it has been 15 minutes since Bright shout-calling Win to come down for fried rice with sushi in the kitchen.

What the hell is he doing? He better not be doing something dirty

"Win babe! I called you thousands times why-" Bright immediately shuts his mouth as he sees Win is sleeping on the bed.

"You fall asleep again?" Bright shakes his head and chuckles softly.

Bright goes closer to the bed, next to Win. He ruffles Win's hair softly and caresses his face lovingly.

What a baby  Bright places a long kiss on Win's forehead before pulling over the blanket.

As soon as Bright closes their bedroom door, he feels extra weight on his legs.

"Light? Why are you awake buddy?"

"I'm hungry, I want ice cream Daddd! We didn't get one earlier" the little boy pouts, tugging Bright's black shorts.

Soon, Bright is lifted off the ground and sits in his dad embrace.

"Buddy, it's late. How about tomor-" Light fakes crying as Bright rejects him. Light's ugly cries are so loud it might wake Win up.

Instantly, Bright covers his son's mouth. "Buddy, you'll wake Papa up."

Unsatisfied, Light dares to bite his dad's finger.

"AGH! JEEZ! Alright we're going to get ice cream!." Bright blows his finger to ease the pain.

Unaware, Bright drives his son in a red Audi and heads to the ice-cream café at the park without noticing a small white truck tails behind them.

A few minutes of driving, both vehicles stop at a café. The white truck is parked meters away from Bright's car, a male driver watches his victims enter the café happily with wide smiles, hand in hand.

The little boy orders a huge cone with multiple layers of different ice-cream flavors. He was jumping, he was laughing. On the other hand, the tall good looking man smiles while ruffling the little's hair adoringly. He pays an enormous amount of money for a freaking ice-cream.

They were eating peacefully, chatting and laughing continuously. The picture of the two people looks so beautiful in the driver's eyes.

Suddenly, the male driver laughs too, he laughs and laughs to the point he cries.

"That is supposed to be us too May. It is supposed to be us." He continues to laugh and cry at the same time.

"If Win didn't kill you, that is us. You'll be laughing with our child and I'll be as happy as Win right now."

Han grips the black steering wheel in his hands tightly.

"I'll be as happy as Win" he repeats the same sentence over and over again. Helplessly, Han is crying, he keeps on hitting the steering wheel then hits his chest to stop his aching heart.

"No, no. Win cannot be happy. He killed you, he killed us." Heavy breaths are coming out of Han, he is pulling his hair hard so that he feels the pain.

"Killer" Again, Han repeats the words over and over again.

The red Audi parked in front of him lights up and he sees two victims are going out of the café after their dessert. The little boy enters the car first and as Han turns his head to Bright, their eyes lock for a few seconds.

"Happy. Killer." Han watches Bright's car disappear into the dark road.

"NO! NO! NO!" Han speeds off his white truck with a desire to kill.

Metawin is jolted awake by angry thunderbolts flashed across the sky. From inside his bedroom, Win can hear patters of heavy rains against his balcony's door.

He notices he is tucked in the bed properly, he knows then Bright was here when he's asleep.

"Bright? Bright?" Win rubs his sleepy eyes to shed away the sleepiness while calling out for his husband.

Out of sudden, his cellphone rings in the silent room. He reaches out the vibrating device on his nightstand and goes alarmed when he sees the unknown number displayed.

"Metawin" Again, the male voice is hoarse as if he was crying before. Win heard his name is being called but he remains to keep quiet.

"Are you happy?" Han's voice is monotone, his question is emotionless.

"What do you want Han?" "Answer that damn question!" Han screams back at Win angrily.

"My answer is definitely not the answer you wanted to hear, Han. Stop this, stop hurting yourself."

"So you're happy, you must be very happy huh?" Han's breaths get heavy, he grits his teeth in anger and disappointment.

"I fucking pray that you ended dead after leaving the Mafia, leaving me, after the shit you've done." On the road, there are no other cars except his and Bright's. Han slows down his truck.

"You lied to everyone about everything Metawin. What will happen if your husband and son know the ugly truths about you?" Han starts to provoke him.

"That you're a bloodlust monster. A man who finds ripping open stomachs, shooting bullets into heads and tearing off jaws as cute as patting a pet dog."

Win gulps down saliva into his dry throat. He remembers those exact moments with an exact partner he cherished.

"People change Han, so do you." "But you changed first Win." Han replies.

"Now choose. Your husband or your son" Han gives options to Win.

Confused, Win asks Han again.

"Will you let your husband die or your son die Metawin?" Han smirks widely. Maybe tonight is his luck, he gets revenge. He even laughs his cold heart out loud when Win screams the names of his beloved.

Running out of his room, Win dashes to Light's room. He bursts the door open to find an empty bed and bathroom. Quickly, he goes downstairs, hoping to see Bright and Light eating in the kitchen or watching TV in the living room.

"There's no use, Metawin. They are not home, in fact they are right in front of me, in red Audi."

Win notices the missing red car under the front porch, he heaves out a frustrated sigh. Immediately, he searches for his Aston Martin key and hops in it for a speed drive.

"If anything happens, you know I'll kill you." Win said without hesitation, Han recognized the stern voice of his Mafia Boss.

"I know that very well Sir, but one thing for sure. I want to see you suffer before I die."

"You have 5 minutes" Han whispers teasingly over the phone then the call ends.

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