Chapter 5: First Day

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Ruby's POV:

"(chuckling) (loud flute whistle) GOOD MORNING, TEAM RWBY!!!"

Weiss: What in the world is wrong with you?!

"Well, now that you're awake, we can officially begin our first order of business."

Weiss: Excuse me?!

Yang: Decorating!

Blake and Yang hand their hands full with luggage.

Blake: We still need to unpack.

Immediately after she said this, the suitcase she was holding fell open, spilling its contents.

Blake: ...and clean.

Lapis's POV:

I got up earlier than usual, so I decided to get myself ready early. By the time I finished, it was about 8:20 am. Jeez. Thankfully, everyone was awake.

"Good morning, Team LVDR! Before we do anything, we need to establish that we are all a team, so we need to treat each other with respect."

As I said this, I looked over at Vermillion. He just rolled his eyes.

"Now, our first class is with Professor Port. I want us out of here and in his class in twenty minutes, got it?"

Ranger: Read ya loud and clear, boss.

Dia: Sounds good to me.

Vermillion: Fine.


I made to Professor Port's class with around 20 minutes to spare. Crazy thing is, I was the first of my team to make it. Even though I told them to be here sooner. Professor Port took notice of my arrival.

Port: Ah, Mr. Lapis, I presume?

"Yes Professor Port, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Port: Ho ho! Early and well mannered... I think we'll get along just fine. Here is your textbook for this lesson. Make sure you don't lose it.

He handed me a book with my name on it and patted me on the back.

"Thank you, sir. You have my word."

Port: Find a desk to sit at and wait for the rest of your classmates to arrive. I hope you learn a lot during my lesson today.

As I went to sit down, I heard growling from one of Port's cages.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but that sounds like a Boarbatusk."

Port: Very well done, Mr. Lapis. That is indeed a Boarbatusk, captured by yours truly. Since we are on the subject of this creature and we have some time to waste, can you tell me the weaknesses and abilities of this creature?

Since I spent most of my time studying about various types of Grimm at Signal, I knew the answer.

"The Boarbatusk's main attack is it's ability to charge with its tusks. It also has the ability to spin along it's spine at incredible speeds. This, coupled with the fact that the creature has powerful armor along it's entire body make it seem like a tough foe. However, it's entire underside has little to no armor, making it the perfect place to strike the creature."

When I finished with my explanation, Professor Port clapped his hands.

Port: Absolutely correct! Well done, Mr. Lapis! You remind me of myself when I was your age.

"Thank you, sir."

After mine and Professor Port's conversation ended, I went to sit down as students began arriving. My team was among the first to arrive.

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