Chapter 13: Target Practice

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Lapis's POV:

I wonder where Ruby went. I was gonna see if she wanted to shoot some targets with me. I checked her team's dorm, but I only found Blake on her bed, reading her book.

"Hey Blake?"

Blake: Yeah, Lapis?

"Have you seen Ruby? I wanted to see if she wanted to hang out."

Blake: I think she was looking for you. Maybe try the training grounds?

"I'll check. I've been meaning to do some target practice anyway."

Blake: Have fun.

Maybe she's already there. That would be something.

Ruby's POV:

Where's Lapis? I wanted to see if he wanted to do some target practice. I walked by and saw him.

"Hey, Lapis!"

Lapis: Sup, Ruby!

"Not much, was wondering where you were?"

Lapis: Actually, I was looking for you. I wanted to see if you wanted to shoot some targets over at the training grounds.

How is it that we're on the same page?


We found the targets, set some up, then began shooting.

Lapis: Steady...steady...

He then fired his gun and broke one of the closer targets.

Lapis: Boom!

"Not bad, but watch this!"

I readied Crescent Rose, then shot the target furthest from us.


Lapis: Nice! You know, I really needed this.

"Oh yeah?"

Lapis: Between the whole Cardin incident and improving Azure Dream, I could really let loose and test the new modifications.

He started firing again, and within five seconds, he destroyed half of the targets we had set up to ten feet away. There were at least 10 targets we had.

"Hey, why do you only shoot those targets?"

Lapis: My gun is only really effective when I'm at short range, otherwise I never hit my mark, even if I'm square with it.


Lapis: I'll be honest with you, Ruby. When I first arrived here, I never thought I'd find someone with the same interests as me.

"Same! I thought that it would be just me and Yang, but after meeting you and learning about how into weapons you are, I'm just glad we have a lot in common."

Lapis: Yeah, and we both pissed off two people who we'd eventually be teamed with.

"(laughing) I still can't believe that happened!"

Lapis: It does seem unrealistic now that we think about it.

"I've been meaning to ask, but what's your favorite dessert?"

Lapis: I'd say cookies and ice cream. Chocolate chip to be exact.

"(gasp) Those are my favorites!"

Lapis: Say, want to go get some right now? I know a place that has some of the best this side of Remnant.

"Yesyesyesyesyesyes! Come on let's go!"

Lapis: H-hey! Wait up!

Lapis's POV:

We made it to the cookie place I was talking about, and we ordered two small boxes of chocolate chip cookies. I paid for both of them, and by the time we left, Ruby had devoured half the box.

"Wow, you really love cookies, huh?"

Ruby: (muffled) Why wouldn't I?

"Fair point."

Ruby: Hey, why did you do this for me? You didn't have to.

"I thought it was a nice way for us to get to know each other. We're both team leaders, and we have a lot of classes together, so why not? Plus, I've been dying to have these again."

We both just laughed, then walked back to the training grounds, and finished taking down the targets.

"Whew...I'd say we did pretty good."

Ruby: Yeah, but we still missed several targets.

"Doesn't matter. This is all still training, and I had fun."

Ruby: Same here.

"How's about we do this once a month and see who can hit more targets?"

Ruby: You're on!

"Then it's settled!"

Ruby: Yeah!

Looks like I'm gonna have to start training more if I'm gonna beat Ruby. She destroyed twice as many targets as I did. When I got back to my dorm, I saw Ranger sitting on his bed, Vermillion and Dia nowhere to be found.

"Hey, where's-"

Ranger: They went to the library. Verm wanted to learn more on guitar playing.

"They have books like that here?"

Ranger: Apparently. Say, what's got you in such a good mood?

"Oh, not much. Just finished some target practice with Ruby!"

Ranger: Oh, sounds like someone's in love!

"(blushing) Is it really that obvious?"

Ranger: Kinda. But I've known you for years now.

He's right. I'm in love with Ruby.

"Wh-what should I do? I don't know how to go about these things!"

Ranger: Easy, bud. Take a deep breath, and relax.

I did as he said, taking in a large breath, then exhaled.

Ranger: Good. Now, all you have to do is tell her how you feel. Find a time when it's just you two. And let your heart do the rest.

"(sigh) You're right. Thanks, Ranger."

Ranger: Anytime, pal.

Male OC x Ruby Rose: The Rose and the Sword Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now