Chapter 16: Blue Rose

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Lapis's POV:

Team RWBY hosted the party they said we were gonna have. They had a make-shift DJ turntable with Yang at the helm.

Yang: We having fun, people!?

Ranger and Dia: Yeah!

Yang: That's what I like to hear!

For some reason, I wasn't having fun. My mind was still on Torchwick. Even though Ruby said that we'd get him next time, I can't shake the feeling that I should've chased after him. I said I'd avenge my father, yet Roman still lives and is continuing his crime spree.

Dia's POV:


Blake: What's up, Dia?

"Lapis. He seemed happy when we started, but now, look."

I pointed to Lapis, with a rather bothered look on his face.

Blake: I see what you mean.

"Did anything happen before myself and the rest of us arrived?"

Blake: Well, he and Ruby were fighting the White Fang and a man he called "Torchwick". What I don't get is why the White Fang would work with a human?


"That's it."

Ruby: What's it?

"The fact that Torchwick is still out there. Lapis takes stopping criminals seriously, but he told me that he has something against Torchwick."

Ruby: Shouldn't we talk to him about it? This seems like something we should know about. We're his friends!

I looked around, and noticed Lapis had left the party undetected.

"Unless you want to look for him, we should leave him alone."

Ruby: Well, I'm gonna find him!

"Have fun!"

Ruby's POV:

Darn it Lapis, where'd you run off to?! It's not like you to run off like this! I found him after searching for a few minutes. He was in the courtyard.


Lapis: Hmm? Oh, hey Ruby.

"You okay? It's not like you to run off like that."

Lapis: (sighs) Remember what I told you about Roman several weeks ago?


Lapis: Seven years father chased after Torchwick, and he never came back. He died while chasing him down, and Roman helped confirm it for me.

"That's right..."

Lapis: Since that day, I vowed the next time I saw him, I would kill him myself. That's why for the past eight months I've been training like hell so I can protect others. You probably think of me as a revenge obsessed fool who should move on, don't you?

"N-no, I understand! My mom went missing in action when I was a baby. All I had were my dad and Yang."

Lapis: That's horrible!

"It's fine."

Lapis's POV:

"(sighs) The moon's beautiful out."

Ruby: Yeah.

Okay, it's now or never!

"Ruby, there's something I need to tell you."

Ruby: What is it?

"(inhales, then exhales) Ruby, over the past few weeks, I've found that I've grown to care greatly for you. You're an amazing person and huntress-in-training. You're starting to become an excellent leader. And..."

Ruby: Y-yeah?

"(blushing) I...I love you, Ruby!"

Ruby: (blushing) Wh-wha?!

"The time we've spent together for the past month have been the best moments of my life. You've given me a new reason to keep fighting. To stay by your side, and protect that beautiful smile of yours."

Ruby: I-I-I don't know what to say...

"(sighs) I knew it was a long shot. I just needed to get that out..."

Ruby: N-no! That's not it at all!


Ruby: I-I feel the same way. Since we started hanging out, I've gotten to see how nice of a guy you are. How brave you are. And how you're dedicated to protecting people.

She...feels the same.

Ruby: You don't know how happy you've made me!

Out of the blue, we locked lips and shared a passionate kiss.

"Please...never leave me!"

Ruby: I won't! I swear!

Ranger's POV:

Hell yeah! They finally got together! I high-fived Yang right then and there. Yeah, we jumped ship early and went after Ruby.

Yang: Atta girl!

"That was awesome! I never thought that would happen!"

Yang: Really? You never thought it would?

"Okay, you got me. I totally knew that would happen."

Yang: I called it!

I took notice of how they were getting ready to leave.

"We should probably head back before they find out we were spying on them."

Yang: Yeah, I don't want to ruin their perfect night.

We headed back to our dorms before Lapis and Ruby did. Needless to say, for them, and for us, this was the best night ever!

Male OC x Ruby Rose: The Rose and the Sword Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now