Chapter 8: Azure Dream

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Lapis's POV:

Since I have nothing better to do, I think I'll perform maintenance on Azure Dream. I may end up upgrading the shotgun feature.

[A few minutes later]

"Okay, so I've already installed a mag extension, I don't use a folding stock, I can switch forms effortlessly with the push of a button. What else can I try?"

As I was wondering this, Ruby walked by.

Ruby: Hey, Lapis.

"Hm? Oh, hey Ruby."

Ruby: Where's your team?

"Oh them? I think they said something about a new game for our console. They've been gone all day."

Ruby: Why didn't you go with them? I know you like playing games.

"I've been catching up on some school work, as well as performing routine maintenance on Azure Dream."

Ruby: (looking at sheets) What are those there? They look like some upgrades.

"Exactly. I was thinking about making some upgrades to my weapons gun form."

Ruby: Oooh, can I help?

"I guess I could use someone else's opinion. Specially a huge weapon nerd's."

Ruby: Yeah!

We began going over some of the modifications I came up with. We couldn't decide on one to save our lives.

"Okay, so the modified scope. I designed it so I could snipe my prey. Like when I'm hunting down Beowolves."

Ruby: Hmm...your gun is a shotgun, isn't it? I don't think the scope is a good idea.

"Fair point. Shotguns are more for close range, so the scope wouldn't really work. Scrap that idea."

Ruby: What about this one? Spring action energy shield?

"Oh, that one? I forgot I had that."

Ruby: It's supposed to help with your Semblance's drawback, right?

"Exactly, but as I figured out, it uses the Dust crystal injected to fuel the shields power. Meaning it will burn through more Dust crystals."

Ruby: Ah.

"(sighs) None of these modifications will work. I've reviewed them all, and they all have too many drawbacks."

Ruby: Hmm, what about this one?

She was pointing at the paper displaying the semi-auto modification I have.

Ruby: Isn't it just pump action right now?


Ruby: Then, why not try this? I feel you could benefit from a faster weapon.

"Hmm, now that you mention it, why didn't I try this sooner?! This is perfect! Thanks, Ruby!"

Ruby: (smiling) Don't mention it!

"If I'm gonna make this change, I'm gonna need some new parts. Wanna tag along?"

Ruby: Of course I will!

We left for town with a list of parts I needed. By the time we finished shopping, it was getting dark.

"Man, that took longer than expected."

Ruby: Sorry, I can't help myself when I go weapon shopping.

"Can't say I blame you. After all, everything in there did look interesting. All those different weapons, all the different combinations. Needless to say, I would've lost my head in there."

Male OC x Ruby Rose: The Rose and the Sword Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now