Chapter 6: A Duel for the Ages

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Lapis's POV:

Jaune charged at Cardin yet again, only for Cardin to dodge then strike Jaune, causing him to lose his shield. What was he hoping to achieve with that? It's like he has no combat experience. How did he even get into Beacon? I focused back on the fight as Cardin kicked Jaune below the belt, causing him to fall to the ground. As Cardin was ready to finish him off, Professor Glynda stepped in.

Glynda: Cardin! That's enough!

Cardin backed off, obviously mad he couldn't finish it.

Glynda: Students, as you can see, Mr. Arc's Aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament-styled duel, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle, and that the official may call the match. Mr. Arc, it's been weeks now. Please refer to your Scroll during combat. Gauging your Aura will help you decide when it's appropriate to attack, or when it is better to move to a more...defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf, now, would we?

Cardin: Speak for yourself!

Glynda: Now, we have just enough time for one more match.

Since no one else was gonna volunteer, I decided I would.

"Professor Goodwitch, I volunteer."

Glynda: Very well. Who will be you're opponent?

"If it's all the same with her, I choose Pyrrha Nikos."

Ranger: Hey bud, you sure about this? We are talking about THE Pyrrha Nikos here.

Pyrrha: I don't mind.

We both readied our weapons and took our stances.

"Don't hold back, Pyrrha! I want to see that reputation of yours for myself!"

Pyrrha: I won't hold back if you won't!

We heard the countdown, then the match began. Pyrrha and I traded blows, reducing both our Auras. Immediately, I rushed at her, only to be met by her shield.

"Not bad! I expected nothing less!"

We continued to clash blades. I realized that at the rate I was striking and dodging, I wasn't gonna get anywhere. I activated my Semblance, and soon was moving faster than before.

Dia: Impressive.

Nora: Oh my god! He can set himself on FIRE!?

Ren: (sighs) No, Nora. He's using his Semblance.

Ranger: Ren's right. Lapis is using his Semblance to move faster. It has a noticeable drawback, however.

Vermillion: And that is...?

Ranger: Watch and learn.

The fight continued on, with Pyrrha and myself swing our weapons and clash with each other. I landed a few hits on her, before she countered with what felt like twice as much power.

"Nghh...I'm not...done yet! Rrrraaaaaagggghhhh!!"

With one final attempt, I rushed her, only to be stopped by her shield, but I still kept striking, eventually breaking her defenses, draining her Aura by the second. She eventually escaped the attack, and landed one last blow, knocking my Aura into the red.

Dia: He loses twice as much Aura with each hit. Considering the boost he gets, it's a fair trade off.

Glynda: Enough! That was an impressive bout. Both sides performed well.

"(panting) Thanks. That was fun, Pyrrha! We gotta do that again sometime."

Pyrrha: That was fun. Not many can stand against me in battle, let alone be daring enough to challenge me. What is your Semblance? I just want to know.

Male OC x Ruby Rose: The Rose and the Sword Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now