Chapter 1: Welcome to Beacon

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Lapis's POV:

The day has finally arrived. All the time I've spent training and studying has finally paid off. I have been accepted into Beacon Academy. The same place my mother and father studied to become a Huntsman and Huntress. I know Seres would be proud to see how her brother is doing.

Ranger: Lapis, can you believe it? We are finally on the path to becoming huntsmen. REAL huntsmen!

"I can't believe it myself. It feels unreal that two people like us made it as far as we did."

Ranger: Oh, if only our pals from Signal could see us now.

"Yeah, but I bet they'd be jealous that we made it and they didn't."

Ranger: You said it!

After we spoke, I looked up at the ceiling, then closed my eyes.

Ranger: Your father would be proud to see you now.

"I bet. If only he were still here..."

We then chatted about nothing in particular when we saw someone with blonde hair throw up on some girls boots.

Ranger: Ooh, that's gonna bite later.

"Not like he could do anything about it. The Bullhead should be landing soon."

Ranger: Yeah, best get ourselves ready. Who knows what these next four years have in store?

"You said it!"

The bullhead landed, and we got off. I went over to the blonde guy who was vomiting his guts out. I pulled out some medicine that I keep in my coat.

"Here, take this and you should feel better shortly."

Blonde Guy: Th-thanks. Y'know, motion sickness is a much bigger problem than people think.

"Oh boy, I would know. My sister used to have motion sickness, so I always keep some medicine packed. By the way, what's your name?"

Jaune: Oh, the name's Jaune Arc! Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue - ladies love it! You?

"I'm Lapis. Lapis Lazuli."

Jaune: Nice to meet ya!


Out of nowhere, Jaune and I were shoved out of the way by another guy with golden blonde hair, with crimson red eyes.

Blonde guy: Out of my way!

"Who the hell do you think you are?!"

Blonde guy: You don't know who I am?! Do you not know how important I am?!

"I don't care how important you think you are, you don't just shove someone aside because you have places to be!" 

Blonde guy: I am Vermillion Ardent! You would do well to remember it. And as much as I would love to stand around and chat, I'm afraid I have a million better things to do. Ta ta, Blue!

Just like that, Vermillion left in a huff.

"Jeez, I never thought he'd leave."

Jaune: Are, you sure that was a good idea? His family are well known Dust providers.

"Listen, I didn't come here to put up with people who think their status matters here. Nobody is above each other. No matter how poor or rich."

As I said this, Jaune and I heard an explosion not to far from our location.

Jaune: What was that?!

"If I had to guess, I'd say a Dust infused explosion. We best go check it out."

Jaune: Right!

Male OC x Ruby Rose: The Rose and the Sword Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now