1: Backstory

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I'm Y/N(Your Name) I'm an imaginary friend of a very unimaginative child. I'm literally just a very short human with superpowers. What kind? Telepathy, the ability to conversate with others via thoughts. I can also read other's thoughts against their will. Teleportation, where I can instantly go to any location. Last but not least Clairvoyance, where I can see any place from anywhere. Example, if I'm at California, but want to see what's going on south at Texas, I can just close my eyes and see what's going on there. Clairvoyance is pretty useless since I can already teleport in just a snap of a finger.

You might be wondering who my creator is. Her name is Aiden. She was really into comic books and watching animations on YouTube when she thought up of me. She was tall, and she wanted someone to tease about their shortness, that's why I'm short. She wasn't the smartest, and she wanted help on how to do Pythagorean Therom, finding midpoint, and distance, so I'm extremely intelligent. She wanted someone to play sports with, like hockey, baseball, and basketball, so I am very athletic. When Aiden became 14, she stopped loving me as much as she used to, and she told me to leave the house. If only the other one didn't run away.

Now I'm walking along the streets of a city I don't know the name to because Aiden never told, and I never asked. It sure was a bad-looking city. It had the dark alleyways, and people would occasionally scream and run past me. It wasn't the best place to be looking like a 13 year old.

After months of walking across states, I finally made it Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.

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