15: Our Happy Ending

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The only thing I could think of while making this chapter was this Gacha Life Music Video by Milky Cat.

N/N=Nick Name

Sorry this took so long!! I had no clue how to get to the end. All I knew was Okay, here's the end. Now get to it..

Rndb wkdw'v d olh. Lq wuxwk L zdv mxvw zrunlqj rq pb BrxWxeh fkdqqho. L glgq'w sdb dwwhqwlrq wr zkdw zdv jrlqj rq dqg L mxvw uhphpehuhg wklv vwrub havlvwhg. Vruub iru wkh krog xs.

Sorry for the wait.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I walked downstairs and go to the kitchen to get a snack. I see Roseane sitting on a chair next to the stove. I ask her, "Hey, what's up?". She looks at me, being at eye-level with me for once, and I notice her tired eyes. She had very noticeable eyebags.

She gives me a weak smile and says, "Oh.. Hey N/N. I thought maybe I should do something nice for once." I smell the air and there was a distinct scent of cookie dough. But something was off. She continues, "It took forever just to figure out how to make cookies. The only thing I know is popcorn. Hehe.."

She starts to dose off, and I see that the cookies are already done. I wake her up and tell her to get the cookies out of the oven. She complies and let's me be the taste tester as a thanks. The cookie was delicious. It felt like it was melting in my mouth and that everything was right with the world.

I tell her that it tasted great. She thanked me, and brung it to her room to give some to Bendy.

I sigh, and start to make pancakes. The one thing I like to keep hidden about myself. I love cooking. At first, I somehow burnt water. But through time and practice, I learned how to make pancakes, Cambodian Kaw Sach Chrouk, rice, and pork. I decided to make pancakes given that it was early in the day. I just hoped that no one walked in on this though.

I made a little bit of batter, and put it all on a pan because there wasn't much. I put it on the stove and waited. I flipped the pancake, and then the kitchen door opened.

I froze in my spot and thought, Welp, I'm dead. When they find out I like cooking they'll try to make me cook food I've never heard of. Like, what IS a blueberry pizza?

I hear the door close and squeaky foot steps. "Hey Y/N!" I hear a happy, kind voice say. I turn my head to see al Wilt, and instantly relax. I greet him, and he says, "Wow Y/N! I didn't know you cooked."

He stands beside me and watches as I take the pancake off of the pan. "Well, it's something I keep to myself more or less," I tell him, putting away the pan and eating the pancake plain. He asks, "Hey Y/N, remember when I told you I love you?". "Yeah, I remember it quite clearly. Why?" I question.

He goes, "Well, I've been wondering if you really did like me back. Or if you were just being nice. I'm sorry, I just don't want to get hurt or waste any of your time."

I sigh, and look up at him with a blank expression on my face. He looks at me, scared of what I'd say. I push my chair over to him and tell him to sit down. He does, and I see his guilt-ridden face. He looks sadder than a kid who couldn't get a date for Prom. You can really tell from being only a foot away from someone's face.

I look at him, and he looks at me. There were no words spoken. I walk twoards him and hug him. He tenses up, unsure of what to do. I tell him, "I do love you. I love you to the moon and back. There's nothing that'll ever change my mind about it."

He calms down, and hugs me back. I read his mind. There was nothing. That was a sign that he was at peace, and that he was calm.

After a little while, we stopped hugging,  and I have him a sweet smile. He gave me a genuine smile, and I kissed his cheek. That's when we finally reached an understanding. We love each other.

After that, we lived the rest of our days at Foster's until I got crushed by a vending machine and shortly afterwards Wilt died trying to find me in a cave.

Moral of the Story: You shouldn't put vending machines in an unstable cave that's about to crash in on itself.


Sorry for the weird ending, I couldn't think of another way to kill off the characters. Once the finish watching the show, I'll probably make a side-story featuring Y/N and Roseane in more depth and maybe some more odd adventures.

Thank you for reading!! :>

If you enjoyed this story, go ahead and.. I don't know. Share it er, something. You can vote the chapter to help fuel my crippling self-esteem.

If you are still reading this, I have a YouTube called SillySam26. I draw and make Gacha Life videos. Here's one of my current favorites that I made so far.

It was okay. I'm gonna try to do more of these types of things in my future vids and just thought that I'd like to share this.

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