11: That's NORMAL?!

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I woke up one crisp, cool, Autum Saturday, and walked around the building. I got bored of the place and decided to go to the kitchen to get something to eat; I knew it would be a while before it was breakfast time.

I got some leftover Gram Gram's Brand Fench Toast from the fridge, and put it in the toaster. (I don't know how French Toast works) Once it was done, I grabbed it. I don't know why, but I decided that it would be a good idea to walk around the house.

I was walking near Roseane and Bendy's room, when I heard humming. I got curious, so I used clairvoyance to see what was going on the other side of the door. What in the-

Bendy was setting up candles around a picture of.. Roseane? I was gawking at the sight of something so odd. He was dancing around it like a little child. Afterwards, he sat down, and starting humming to himself. I read his mind, She will be mine. Only mine. No one else's. And I'll be her's, even if she won't be mine. She'll have to face it soon.

Yeesh, I've seen obsessive people, but nothing on this level. He was absolutely terrifying, so I left, worried about his mental health and Roseane's safety.

After breakfast, I went over to Roseane and told her what I saw. She barely trusted me, but I knew that she knew I wouldn't lie about something as insane as this. She nodded her head and said, "Yeah, that normal. You slowly learn to get over it." I gawk and whisper-yell, "That's normal?! You're being treated like you're a goddess by a little, yellow devil!".

She looks at me with no emotions whatsoever as if this was just a part of every day life, and walks away.

I decided it was best to not confront Bendy on his unhealthy behavior. Well Roseane, you can't say I didn't warn ya.

I walk back to my room to think through what just happened, and how to kill an imaginary friend with some burnt, French Toast.

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