4: Fluff Chapter!! UwU

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Also, how Y/N got her sleeping area.

Y/N's P.O.V.

At the end of the tour, I got kind of tired, and asked Mr. Harriman about bedrooms. He said that I was gonna be in the same room as Wilt's, so I followed the red tall friend around the whole day after explaining it to him.

He was fairly chill with the whole situation, and it was cool to see what my roommate was gonna be like. He helps out everyone, has a hard time telling a lie, notice me senpai, and enjoys playing basketball. Turns out, he's one of the oldest friends here, and is one of the, if not the, tallest friend here at Foster's. So cool.

At the end of the day, we walked over to our room and he opened the door to let me walk in first. The room had 3 other occupants who I didn't bother talking to or getting to know. It was late. I was tired. I needed to sleep. That's when I realized, "Wait, where do I sleep?" Everyone went quiet and stared at me until Wilt chirped in, "Hey guys! This is Y/N, she's an imaginary friend with superpowers! Pretty cool huh?".

It was probably too late in the night for anyone to understand, or care. A lump in one of the beds said, "Yeah yeah-". Then they all passed out. Wilt told me about the whole bed situation, and he tried his best to make the floor as comfortable as possible, despite my trying to just let him sleep.

After a few minutes, he finally let me sleep under a bed with a pillow and blanket. I then closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me.

Timeskip to Early Morning

I woke up, brushed my teeth, and waited for breakfast to start. I got bored waiting and went to the clock room to check the- HOLY CRAP I WOKE UP AT 3:47 IN THE MORNING!! Eh, I'll just go back to sleep. But then, something told me not to. A little voice in my head wanted me to explore the house a little and get to know the place better.

About 15 minutes later, I found myself somehow got to the rooftop, seeing my eyes on all the pretty stars up in the sky. I start singing some sweet little songs to myself, waiting for sleep to come back.

Some cute songs that I like are Baby Hotline, West Coast, and I'll Name the Dogs.

Wilt's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of the door opening and closing, and saw that Y/N was gone! I got up from under the bed, and walked out of the room as quietly as I could, but my squeaky shoes had other plans. Luckily, it didn't wake anyone up. Must be pretty early huh? I think to myself as I walk around the dark house.

I find the clock room to check the ti- HOW DOES Y/N WAKE UP EARLIER THAN 3:50?! I walked around the unlit house, attempting to try and find our bedroom, when I got very, very, very VERY lost. I swear I wasn't even walking on any staircases, but somehow I ended up to the door that led to the rooftop?

I was about to continue my walk when I heard faint singing coming from the rooftop. I was able to quietly open the door, get onto the rooftop, and close the door. I was able to quietly sit down without making much noise, and I heard singing that sounded like it was coming from Y/N. "Hey Wilt, *Yawn* glad to see you here," she said with a tired voice. "It's great to see you to Y/N," I reply, equally as tired. Y/N continued singing some sweet, soft songs. I rested my back and listened.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I was half-awake, lying on the floor when Wilt turned over his body to be facing me. He started to cuddle with me began whispering sweet words into my ear, "You're the greatest Y/N", "I like your singing", "I love you." I don't know if it was us being tired as heck and barely awake, or we were so high up in the air that we could hardly get the oxygen we need to breathe to survive, but I said back, "I love you to, Wilt."

We then fell asleep, and let the quietness of the world consume us.

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