5: Alliances

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Cover by me!

Bendy's P.O.V.

I take a few photos of the two sleeping together, and go over to my room to meet up with my roommate. This'll show 'em not to hurt MY Roseane! That Y/N think they can talk about MY love however they want? Roseane will for sure love me now!

I get to my room, and enter it to see Roseane sitting on her bed. "Hello Bendy," She greeted. "Hey Roseane! Got the photos," I reply, showing her them.

The beautiful blonde smirked, "Perfect. Thank you for your help darling." Darling?! Yes, I did it! I won her heart! I smiled and told her, "Not a problem!". She gave me a smile, and kissed my cheek. She went to bed, and so did I. Looking like a ripe tomato.

Roseane's P.O.V.

Perfect. I thought as I shuffled through the pictures again. Now, how to make this Y/N's demise? I begin to ponder as I concoct wild stories and tales. Already tried the dating one. I have to make sure they don't hear about it.

Something people don't bring up to others, has to do with sleeping with someone alone on a rooftop, and is sort of believable.

Maybe I'll say that Wilt is a pro- No, that's dumb.

Y/N took advantage of him? No, that's not quite believable seeing that Y/N is known for being quiet.

That's it! I got it. I'll say that Y/N's pregnant and is too shy to say anything!! No, that's.. Gonna be hard to keep up the story. Especially after 9 months.

Maybe Y/N will be a great singer and- No, too positive.

I continue to ponder until I eventually run out of ideas. I poke my head out from my bed, looking up to where Bendy's bed is, and ask him, "What do you think we should do with these?".

He told me, "From what I have learned from years of lying, it is best to let it fester on its own. Make a mess, but don't say what the mess is supposed to be." He was right! "Thanks Bendy," I say. "You're welcome Roseane. Night!" He replies. "Goodnight darling."

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