9: Not Half Bad

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Just so y'all know, Roseane refers to Y/N as a they because "They acts like a total guy. Very masculine. A lot like a professional fighter."

Roseane's P.O.V.

I open the door and walk into my room, three days after that 'sick' thing. That's weird. I think to myself, noticing that my bed is messy and the sheets were in a mess. It's usually all nice and neat. I specifically remember making my bed this morning.

I spot a note on my pillow. It read, "If you want to see who did this, meet me at the basketball court at 5 o'clock on Friday!!".

I sigh and think, Only 2 days to prepare. I grab my brass knuckles underneath the bed and go off to start training. If I'm gonna get into a fight, I'm gonna need help from the best person I know.

"You're what now?" Y/N said, mouth ajar in disbelief. I beg them, "Please Y/N! You're the only person I know that can fight." They sigh, begrudgingly letting me in. "Just don't wake up Wilt," They warn me. I raise an eyebrow, seeing Wilt sleeping under the beds. I look back at Y/N, who is wearing a necklace. I smirk and chuckle.

"What?" Y/N asks. "You two really do love each other," I comment. Y/n becomes a red tomato. "I can just kick you out of here. You know?" They imply not so subtly. I gulp, and look away, letting her know she won.

Y/N begins talking, "Alright. Let's begin training shall we?". "We shall," I tell her.


"Y/N, are we done yet?" I pant, water dripping down my face. She gave me a 'You Gotta Be Joking' face, and said, "Dude, you just did your 5th punch in your whole life. And stop pouring water on your face!!". I frown and continue punching the burlap bag they got from who knows where. They were chanting, "1, 2, 1, 2," a bunch of times. They tell me, "Come on! Your life depends on this training!". I begin to punch as much and as fast as I possibly can. They say, "Come on! Put in some kicks!! Spice it up a bit."

Jab, jab, kick. Jab, kick, kick. Jab, kick, jab. Kick, jab, jab. Over and over. Again and again.

A long while later, Y/N goes, "Okay, good enough for today. Go to bed." "Okay. Thank you," I say to them. They call out to me right before I left, "Roseane." "Yeah?" I ask. "You're half bad," They tell me. "Thanks. Same to you... Friends?" I ask them. She nods her head, "Best friends."

We hug briefly, and I go get ready for bed. Eagerly waiting for tomorrow's training.

Timeskip to Tomorrow

Roseane's P.O.V.

I wake up the next day, and jump off my bed. I comb my hair, brush my teeth, and get ready to start my day.

I walk out of my room, and go to breakfast. Waffles again? I think to myself, chewing the gross, abomination of a breakfast. How people like this stuff? I question to myself, stealthily tossing the breakfast out of the window, into a bush, never to be seen again. I get a cup of water and an orange to satisfy my ever-growing hunger.

Once I was done, I went to my room. I couldn't sleep at all last night. I was too busy trying to figure out who messed up my sheets yesterday.

After lunch, I go to Y/N's room for training. I knock on the door. That's different. I note as the already open door creeks the rest of the way forward.

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