13: The E- Hold Up for Two More Chapters

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F/C=Favorite Color

Y/N's P.O.V.

I wake up, brush my teeth, comb my hair, and try to wake Wilt up. I look around the room to see that there was only me and Wilt. After a little while of me whisper-yelling at him, he opened his eyes. I smile, and drag him out from under his bed. After he finishes brushing his teeth, I brought him to the rooftop.

Today was the day, the day I was finally gonna tell him how I feel about him. The cool, winter wind smacked my face like a disappointed mother. I shudder. I decide not to stay up on the rooftop. I bring him to the playroom to play some video games with him, and I notice that nobody was around. The sky outside made it look like it was around noon-ish. I think to myself, setting up the game.

We begin playing, and I ask Wilt, "Hey Wilt, did you see anyone else walking around today?". He replied, "Umm. No, I haven't." I wanted to use Clairvoyance to try and find someone, but didn't want to pass out on the floor again.

We keep playing until Wilt suggests, "Hey Y/N, want to walk to the kitchen with me?". There wasn't anything else to do, so I said yes.

He brought me to the kitchen, and he started teaching me how to make brownies. "First, you add the flour, eggs, and milk," He told me as he puts the ingredients in a large bowl, stirring it as I held the bowl in place.

We put the brownies in the oven, and we start talking. We talked about dogs, cats, and other casual stuff. We somehow started talking about what we do in our spare time. But here's the thing, I don't have a life! All that I had was the whole fight thing, and that wasn't even about me!

Wilt told me about his love of basketball, which I already knew, and he asked me about myself. "Well, I helped train Roseane for a fight against one of her old cronies. A well-meaning fight! Not a battle of dominance, but to reach an agreement. They wanted to see how Roseane was doing via a fight."

He didn't understand most of what I just said, but pretended that he did anyways. Eventually, the brownies were done, and I took them out of the oven as Wilt grabbed some milk and two cups to put the milk in. We ate it all. It was delicious, albeit slightly burnt. Luckily, milk solves everything.

When we finished cleaning up the place, Wilt brought me to our room to put on some warmer clothes. I put on 3 jackets, a scarf, a beanie, a few hoodies, and a pair of warm jeans. Wilt put on a couple of scarfs and a beanie.

I was about to question why we decided to do this, until Wilt asked me, "Hey Y/N, do you mind bringing us to the staircase that leads to the rooftop?" Ohh-! There's gonna be a surprise at the rooftop. I nod my head, and teleported us there. We begin to walk up the stairs, and Wilt said, "About the 'No one else is here thing, I sort of got Frakie and Mr. Harriman to take everyone on a road trip. Is that okay?" So that's nobody else is here! I tell that it's fine, and we continue our walk up the stairs.

We reach the top, and Wilt blocks the door, saying, "Y/N, you'll need to close your eyes for it to work. It's that okay?". I nod my head and close my eyes thinking, There's a slight chance that I might get pushed off the top of the roof, but okay. I keep my eyes shut, not using my clairvoyance as to not ruin the surprise.

Wilt guides me what felt like a chair, and tells me to sit down. I do, and Wilt closes the door quietly as to not startle me. He moves around, and pushes a couple of things around. I read his mind, This has to be perfect! I don't want to screw this up!! My intrest was peaked at that.

He finishes moving thing around, and tells me to open my eyes. I do, and see a cute little set up, with my chair up against a wall, and F/C banners were strung up behind and on the sides of the chair. In front of the chair, there were a few white, yellow, and cream colored banners, and Wilt was kneeling on the floor, and looked at me with a kind eye, smiling like a dork. I smile back, and look at him with hopeful eyes. He was just about to start a cute speech until we heard, HONK HONK!! We were about to walk over to the noise until we heard loud talking, and we instantly knew, They're back.

Wilt shook his head, knelt down next to me, and quickly told me, "Y/N, I love you!". That didn't really take me aback. I already knew that. I hug him and tell him, "I love you too!". We then walk downstairs, and see Frankie on our way back. She said, "The bus was almost out of gas. We couldn't have gone any farther if else we would've been stranded." Makes enough sense.

We go back to our room to cuddle and whisper sweet nothings into each others ear.

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