12: The Feels Settle In

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Y/N's P.O.V.

It was a freezing cold, winter night, when it was time for us to go to bed. I walked into my bedroom to notice that the room was super cold. It caught me off guard, and I tried to figure out why Antarctica decided to visit the room.

It took only three steps into the place to see what was going on. Bloo was running around a solar-powered A/C unit, occasionally smacking it with a hammer. I ran over to him, and told him to stop it.

I was able to cut a bunch of wires in the unit, and it stopped pretty shortly after. The room was still an Alaskan wasteland though. I assumed that it would remain that way for a long time because it was winter and whatnot. I brushed my teeth, changed into some pj's and hid myself inside my blanket.

It was still cold. Even after around 10 minutes of trying to insulate my body heat, it felt like the room was getting colder as the moon shone brighter. I eventually gave up trying to do anything on my own, and brang my pillow and blanket over to Wilt, who was also trying to stay warm, just underneath a bed.

I lay down on the floor next to the bed, put my head on my pillow, and put my blanket over myself and Wilt the best I could. He hesitantly took the blanket, and pulled it over himself. I snuggled in the blanket, and then something I would've never been able to guess happened. Wilt pulled me closer to himslef.

He grabbed my right side, and tugged on it, to which I pretty much instinctively scooch over towards him. I ended up going a little farther than I thought I would, and I was underneath the bed entirely with him. I was close enough to where I could feel his nervous breathing on my neck. He wrapped his arm around my side and I cuddled into his chest. I read his mind to see if he was alseep, I can't believe that actually worked. Roseane's advice worked!! Wait, is Y/N alseep yet?

I pretend to be soundly asleep, to which Wilt lets out a content sigh that I felt on my neck. I shudder a little, but Wilt didn't notice it luckily. Instead he snuggled his head in my hair, and fell alseep. I knew that there might be questions about this the next day, but I didn't care.

All I cared about at that moment was Wilt, and there was nothing that would make me stray away from him at that moment willingly.

Wow, In starting to sound like Bendy... I begin to think about Bendy's.. ritual and what to do to save Roseane's life.

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