6: What Happened?

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I woke up, again, and went to the clock room to check the time. It was 7:00. I brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and went back to my bedroom to wait for Wilt.

I like to walk with him around the place, he keeps me from getting lost in this terrifyingly large house. He wasn't there, probably from having to brush his teeth and other stuff, I sit down on the floor, and wait for him to arrive so we can both walk to breakfast together when it was time.

7:30. Eh, probably nothing.

7:40. Maybe he's taking a shower?

7:47. A long shower?

7:50. Screw it! I'm gonna go look for him before it's breakfast time. I can touch up on my clairvoyance skills. I think to myself, remembering that teleportation takes a lot more out of me.

The hundreds of bathrooms? Not there.

Basketball court out back? Nope.

He's probably in the kitchen helping Frankie make breakfast? He's not there either.

Silly me, it's almost breakfast time, he's probably setting up the table? No, just Frankie and some early morning friends.

Rooftop? Nothing.

Where could he be? I ponder at 7:52. I teleport over to the dining room and sit down. Frankie greets me, as I stare at the table with only half of the plates properly set up. I decided to help her out, and she started talking about Wilt oddly not coming around to help her out. That's weird. But it DOES take out someone.

She asks me, "Hey, do you know where he might be?". "That's what I was just wondering," I tell her sorrowfully. She adds on, "Huh, that means..". She didn't finish her sentence, and began to try her best to keep her head facing away from me.

I began to hear her whispering to herself. "What's wrong?" I ask. She tensed up, and quickly said, "N-nothing!".

I read her mind, How am I going to say with without her freaking out? Would she freak out? She's pretty reserved. Of course she would, it's WILT I'd be talking about. Wait... OH SH- Stop thinking! Uhh Umm. A B C D E F G-.

I stoped listening after that. "Wow, great job at trying to hide it," I state sarcasticly. She stopped humming to herself, and just focused on setting up silverware. Spoons can NOT be THAT interesting.

"What happened to him?" I ask. "What are you.. talking about?" Frankie questions nervously.  "What happened to him?" I asked in a demanding demeanor. "To who?" She questions, acting clueless. "What happened to Wilt?" I continue. "Uummm." Her mind drew a blank, as she tried to only think of that sound.

I give up on trying to ask her what was going on, and started storming over to the kitchen to get a breakfast bar to quickly chomp down before attempting to spend the rest of the day in my room.

I finish it, and the time was around 7:58. I teleport over to my room and hide under my blanket and pillow. I begin to cry and sob onto the floor, letting out all of my repressed emotions over the years. Roseane and her trying to frame me of the dumbest things. Her running away from home to attempt to save herself from heartbreak, which led me to be kicked out of the house. And now this mysterious dissappearance. I cry and cry and cry until I let it all out. I slowly got up, and cleaned my puddle of tears with my pillow.

I started to trek to the nearest bathroom to clean my tear-covered face. What happened to him? I question to myself, like I'd somehow answer it. I wash my face off and go back to my room. Despite them not knowing me that well, some of the friends noticed that I wasn't at breakfast today. I lied to them, saying that I just didn't have much of an appetite as of the moment.

Once I got to the room, I begin to try searching the entire city to find traces of Wilt. That got tiring fast. I ended up passing out on my pillow and blanket before I even saw the mall area. I fell into a deep sleep that was near impossible to get out of.

So, what do you guys think happened to Wilt? If you have any theories or ideas of what happened tell me in the comments 'cause the human connection will make me feel more like a human.

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