10: The Two During the Fight

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Y/N's P.O.V. (Meanwhile During 'The Fight')

I woke up early to take a walk around the neighborhood, and then I got jumped by some scary, demon girl!! I got chloroformed so I wasn't able to react fast enough. When I woke up, I was in this cage. Being terrified, I tried to teleport, but nothing happened. I tried again, nothing. Weird. Why can't I teleport?

"That ain't gonna do notin' for ya Kiddo," I hear a gruff voice growl at me. I turn my head around to the sound in the dimly-lit room. On the other side of the cage's wall, There was a dark-haired, dark-eyed, old style cartoon-looking girl, with a voice that sounded like if a wolf and a coyote had a child that learned English. They add on, "Raven feels the need to keep you away from Ms. Pris, so she coated it with some magic shit that makes you powerless for a day."

Raven? I knew that Ms. Priss was supposed to be Roseane, but who's Raven? They look at me like I was insane and say, "You don't know us? I'd think that you would've known the scariest group in all of St. Louis, Minnesota." I didn't reply. "Oh well, you never went outside anyways. You wouldn't have heard nothin'," They continue.

I sit down in the cage and think to myself, Who in the hell could Raven be? And who's this person?

They begin to start talking again, "I'm Damien, but people just call me Devil because of what I did. Not the prettiest shit in the house, but it was fuckin' fun. Raven is the smart one of the group. She's a shapeshifter, so they won't know you're gone, she can also teleport herself and others. She uses fancy words like 'Albeit', whatever though. I'm pretty sure she speaks gibberish sometimes."

How does she know what I- "You're by far the most braindead retard I've had to carry in. You're not the only mindreader around," They cut my thoughts off with. Oh.

"Welp. You gotta be asleep for the threat to work better 'cause apparently havin' your lil' sis' cryin' out for help isn't motivation enough. Night Kiddo," Damien says as she snaps her fingers. I then fall asleep, unable to say anything back.

When I wake up, it was the next day and I was in my bed. I decided it was best to not question any of what happened. I instead walked over to Roseane's room to make sure she was doing good. I knocked on the door, to which she quickly ran over to open it. Before I could speak, she hugged me and said, "Sorry for being so rude to you and spreading rumors." I sighed, and hugged her back, letting her know that I forgive her. After that, I ask her about her backstory, and she told me everything. The Inpchycos, the people, and why she ran away.

I told her, "It's okay, you're behind it all now, it's not gonna hurt you anymore if you change to make it that way. Use your powers for good." She looked at me, smiled, and said, "Thank you, I'll go think about how I'm gonna figure out my life." I nodded my head, and she went back inside her room. I walked back to my own room to digest everything I just learned. Well, that's all for today folks!

Wilt's P.O.V. During 'The Fight'

I was walking around, trying to find Y/N because she wasn't around to brush her teeth. I check everywhere I could think of inside the house. Bathroom? Kitchen? Basement? Roof? No, nope, not there, not there either. I walk around the house aimlessly until I become very tired. That's when I think, Could she be outside of Foster's? I don't know why she would be. She hates being outside of the house without me.

I crossed it off at first, thinking that she was probably doing something important without telling me first because of how urgent it was. She always tells me when she's going somewhere though. I shake my head at that. I'm being overly-protective over her. She can't be in THAT much trouble.. Right?

I heard a loud noise that sounded like a gasp, and laughter. That could be Y/N!! I think to myself as I sprint to the sound.

Ya know what? I AM being over-protective of her. She'd probably tell me that she can do fine on her own. I try to reason with myself just as I was hesitating to open the door to the basketball court outside. No way I'm letting her down now! Come on!! I think to myself, opening the door. That's when I saw Roseane slowly walking by me, looking very tired. She told me weakly, "She's in bed." She turned her head and walked away. I sprint back to my room and, sure enough, Y/N was on the floor sound asleep. Before I could ask any questions, I heard a snap, and I passed out.

When I woke up I was underneath the bed, and I could tell that it was very early in the morning. Huh, it was probably just a bad dream. I think seeing Y/N slowly walk over to sleep next to me. When she layed down, I was still kind of tired, so I just hugged her and went back to sleep.

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