7: Things are not as They Seem

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Wilt's P.O.V.

Wow, I am hungry! I think to myself, walking out of the mall carrying a bunch of bags. "But it's gonna be worth it!" I say to myself, walking back to Foster's.

I get back and eat some food that nobody ate from this morning's breakfast. I grabbed the waffles and put them in the toaster.

I put away the stuff in all but one bag. I stopped when Frakie busted in, saw me, and said, "Wilt, there you are!". "Oh, hey Frakie. What's up?" I asked her, grabbing the waffles from the toaster. Frankie starts talking super fast, "Uummm... Y/N found out that you weren't in the house. She took it the wrong way and is now in her room." I question her, "How do you take going out for a second wrong?".

The red head grabbed the back of her neck, and said, "She sort of-.. Kinda. Thinksyou'redead." She said the last part too fast for me to understand so I ask her to repeat it. "She. Thinks. You're.. Dead," She told me just as I finished my waffles. How does she think I'm dead? I didn't think much of it. Probably just a little bit of miscommunication. I think as I go up to our room with the last bag.

I knock on the door to hear if she's still in it. No response. I open the door and see Y/N on top of the blanket and pillow I got her. She's curled up into a little ball having the strangest breathing pattern I've ever heard, and is occasionally twitching around.

I shake her shoulder to try to wake her up. That's weird. She usually jumps up the moment something touches her. I shake her shoulder a little harder, but nothing happened. I try to wake her up by calling her name to her. That wasn't working either. I notice that her pillow was as hard as a rock, so I lifted up her head a little to grab it. I softly put her head onto the floor as I fluff the pillow. I notice that it smelled like tears, and the bottom of the pillow as covered in it.

I finish fluffing the pillow, and I put it back under head. I'll just wait for her to wake up. I think to myself. Eventually, I laid down next to her waiting. Right before I took a nap, I felt her cuddle up against my arm and began to breathe normally.

Bendy's P.O.V.

I take a video of the little lovebirds' scene there, and fled the area quietly.

I then begin to show off the video and picture of Wilt and Y/N to everyone I saw. Just like Roseane told me to do. I suggested tying Wilt up in a basement somewhere, but Roseane said that that would be too predictable. Now I'm just showing all of the imaginary friends Wilt's and Y/N's newfound relationship.

After showing it to everyone, I go to the kitchen to eat. I decided to take a couple of cookies from the jar. Who cares? I think, taking off the paper that said to not touch it; I didn't learn my lesson from last time.

Roseane walks in on me eating and pecks my cheek. She grabs an apple from the pantry and starts eating it. "Roseane, you have to eat more than that," I tell her, worried from how little she eats. She retorts, "You shouldn't be eating cookies all day. Now we're even."

Okay, that stung a little. I beg her, "Please? Just have more than an apple." She raises an eyebrow at me, sighs, and gets a glass of milk. I give her a bright smile as I finish the cookie. She quickly finishes her food, puts the glass away, and tosses out the apple core. We then walk back to our room to wait for dinner.

Roseane's P.O.V.

Poor Bendy. I think to myself as he plays around with a stack of Uno Cards after inviting me to play. He just doesn't understand it yet.

Just trying to be conventionally pretty is hard. Maintaining it? Even worse. People keep saying things like, "Love your body the way it is," and, "It's what's on the inside that counts."

Whatever, there's no such thing as true 'love at first sight'. Bendy just doesn't understand yet. He's only after me because of my looks. That's the only thing that gets you attention. Be pretty and you become hated by people who think you just another stupid, bottle blonde, attention-hog. By people who think that they're so different, and quietly, and think that they know everything. Labels hurt. They stick. There's no escape. They're everywhere. They'll never leave.

Why do you think I ran away from Aiden? Because she thinks the moment she becomes popular it's gonna be easy. Her life is just gonna somehow magically become perfect. I wish I could've gotten it through that idiot's thick skull that it's harder than it seems. The kid just started freshman year of high school to.

I try to shake it off as I do with everything that I don't like, and I begin to play Uno with Bendy.

I swear, there's gonna be a thing that happens later.

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