14: Their Happy Ending

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Quick Note: I've only been in this fandom for about 2 months, and have not yet watched all of the show yet. That's why this story's only gonna have 15 chapters. I'll probably make a part 2 once I finish watching it, but it might take a while due to my father hating the show with a passion for no particular reason.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I wake up one, warm, spring day and decide, Hey, why not throw a little party for me, Roseane, Wilt, and our other friends? And that's exactly what I prepared for.

I go to the rooftop to set up a few chairs around a small table. I went to the park, and made a couple of bets on which child there would win King of the Rock, and bought a cake, a 2 litter bottle of soda, and chips. I also grabbed a small bag of vegetables in case someone was on a diet or something.

I put everything together, and went to get Roseane. She followed me as I went to get Wilt. Bendy noticed Roseane walking by, and asked, "Hey Roseane! What are you doing near those two?". She said, "I'm hanging out with my little sister and her boyfriend." I sputtered at those last two words. She looks at me saying, "What? It's true." Bendy asks if he can join us; we agree that he can.

We get to the rooftop, sit down, and start chatting. We talked about dogs, cats, snakes, parrots, other birds, and eventually landed on the topic of relationships. I don't know how, it just happened. Roseane says, "You know, at first I thought everyone was all the same. Everyone just went after each other for their looks and never looked at the other's personality." Bendy's eyes become filled with hope.

She continues, "Well I still do!". She breaks out in laughter at the sight of a heart-broken Bendy. Her stops laughing, and and says, "Just joking man! You should've seen your face man!". Bendy slightly chuckles, stopping the tears that were about to stream down his face.

Roseane says, "Y/N and Wilt have taught me that even ugly, disgusting, monsters. Nah I'm joking. They taught me that there are some good people in this world."

She adds in, "Bendy, I love you!". Bendy jumps up in the air throwing his hands up and cheers, "Yay! I love you too Roseane!!" They hug and she kisses his forehead.

That's their happy ending.

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