3: Seriously??

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Wilt's P.O.V.

There was a tall, thin, woman. She had wavy, blonde hair, and it covered one of her eyes.. She was walking twoards us, and she saw me. She winked, sticking her tongue out at me, her tongue looked like a snake's. Y/N growled at the sight of her.

"So my little bwaby giwl has a boyfwend now?" The woman said in a babyish voice, like she's mocking Y/N

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"So my little bwaby giwl has a boyfwend now?" The woman said in a babyish voice, like she's mocking Y/N. Y/N hissed and growled. I tried to step back, trying to get out of the situation to go get help, but then I stepped into a huge puddle of mud and fell onto my back. I tried to get up, but the mud was too slippery to get any traction. Welp. I'll just live here for the rest of my life. I thought to myself as a stared at the sky above me. How is there a puddle this large but it hasn't rained in forever? I pondered.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I hear Wilt contemplating living in the mud puddle as the bottle blonde bastard started to approach him. I walked confidently in front of him to block her path. She looked at me and instantly had disdain on it, sneering at the mere sight of me interfering with her plans. Whatever they are.

She hisses at me through her snake tongue, and says innocently, like the child she is, "What? I just want to intwoduce myself to my new howsemates." I cringed at her mocking my old self, but I didn't budge. Instead, I helped Wilt up from the mud puddle.

She hissed at me and Wilt, "So you found my little puddle?". "How in the Hell did you make a puddle the size of a tennis court?" I shouted at her. "Hoses exist for a reason honey, and no one guards the places you put them in around this place." Who would make a puddle this large for kicks? She laughed, seeing both mine and Wilt's backs covered in mud. She introduced herself, "Hello Wilt, I'm Roseane. The better version of Y/N."

I retorted, "Says the one who abandoned Aiden when she needed you the most!". Wilt tensed up as Roseane spoke back, "Says the one who set themselves up for heartbreak when she kicked you out the moment you failed them. You can always join me Y/N. Go to a better life. A life of beauty and excitement! But instead, you decide to sit around and wait for life to happen to you. You never took matters into your own hands, until you got kicked out of the house."

"Why can't you just see that I'm not you!!" I scream at her as she ends her walk 2 feet away from my face. She says, "Because you were supposed to be me. You were supposed to be me with more knowledge, but some stupid crap got changed and you became this instead. When Aiden realized that, she called you the 'superior' one, so I ran off to a place that didn't have you with it. But somehow, everyone knew you. You changed a lot over your trip here. You used to be a sweet angel; a good Samaritan; you were perfect-" "I used to be a doormat!" I interrupted, furious of how she would just talk about my old self like it's her life.

She continued, smirking at my anger, "You used to be to kind and helpful. Now, you're nothing." I glared at her through my E/C eyes, as she stared me down with her red ones. That's when Wilt decided to jump in to keep us from tearing each other limb to limb, "Hey guys, I think we should go inside now, it's almost dinner time. It's that okay?" "It's fine," I spat out. "Pleasent," Roseane said.

Later, during dinner time, I was sitting next to Wilt, with Roseane on my left. I was casually eating when Roseane whispered something to an imaginary friend next to her, who said something to the imaginary friend next to them, and that continued until it reached Bloo, the 14th person to be told. When he was told he shouted at the top of his lungs, "THEY'RE WHAT?!".

Everyone stopped eating, everyone stopped chitter-chatering, and everyone stared at Bloo, expect for Roseane, who had a sly grin on her face as she eats her food like she didn't start anything. The 13th imaginary friend nodded their head, and Bloo shouted at Wilt from across the table, "IS THAT TRUE WILT?!". Everyone started to stare at him, and he froze, barely able to stutter, "W-what?".

Before Bloo could speak I calmly yelled at the blue idiot, "No, Roseane's just spreading rumors. She does that alot to people she doesn't like." Everyone started to stare at me, for it was the first time I ever spoke. Everyone thought I was mute before.

They mumbled amongst each other until one shouted, "How do you know Ms. Mute?". I told them, "She and I used to co-exist, and we cooperated to aid our creator in what we were made for. I was the intelligence and morality, and she was the asshole. She did whatever she could to gain control of the kid, to the point where she would manipulate her into thinking I was unnecessary, which was a stupid plan I must admit. After she realized I couldn't just be taken out, she ran away. Roseane abandoned our creator.

Shortly after, our creator kicked me out of the house because of reasons unexplained. I would assume it was because they grew up beyond me, but well never know for sure." Everyone started starting at Roseane, who was glaring at me, twitching her eyes. She then did the fakest offended face I have ever seen and said, "I would never harm anyone like that! How dare you-".

"How dare I tell the truth and keep things organized and clean as you lie and manipulate others into doing your work to achieve your selfish wants? How dare I do my job as you abandon me and Aiden? No no no no. How dare YOU for thinking this shit wouldn't catch up to you! How dare YOU for trying to put all the blame on me!! Why are you like this?! Why are you the manipulating liar?! How hard is it to not lie every 5 minutes?!" I screamed at her with foam seething from my mouth as I grit my teeth, standing up and glaring at her through rage filled eyes.

Everyone was staring at me, and one started to clap, then another, and another, until everyone was clapping? People started chanting cheers and saying that that was the most organic play they've seen. I look at Roseane in confusion, sitting back down. "The world's a stage honey, and this was the best act they've ever seen," she whispers to me.

The cheering died down and we went to go get ready for bed. People were telling us how great of a job that 'performance' was, they said that it was so natural seeming it looked real. I didn't want to start any drama, so I just complied to their dumb idea and dealt with the uncomfortable situation.

When I started heading to sleep, I noticed Roseane going the opposite direction. At least we won't be sleeping in the same room. I thought to myself as I reach the door.

I open the door, and gaze upon the sight. They were all in their bed, and then there was me. I realize that I never really said where I sleep exactly, and there's a good reason for that. I'd love to tell you now but here's the thing. No. Not yet. Maybe in a later chapter. (HEY! NO FOURTH WALL BRAKES!!) You're no fun. I think to myself as I close my eyes for the night.

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