2: Hi, How Are You?

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Wilt's P.O.V.

"This task should be quick and simple Mr. Wilt" Mr. Harrington said as he gave me a list of errands to do for him. "You can find all of the objects on your list at the mall. I hope you stay focused, for we must get the roof to floor directory set up as soon as possible. Ms. Francis will drive you there for she is the only one here that has a licence," He told me, but I didn't want Frankie to waste her time driving me to somewhere and back. She has all of her other work to do, and I didn't want to bother her. I told Mr. Harrington, "No no no. It'll be fine, I can walk there. It'll only take 3 extra minutes, I promise" I ran off with the list and the money I was given to get the stuff on the list before Mr. Harrington spoke a word. Sorry sir, but I really don't want to put Frankie through all that trouble, I thought to myself.

Meanwhile, Y/N's P.O.V.

Welp, I'm finally here. Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. I got kinda bored from all of that walking across states to get here, so I started walking around the city, remembering where the building was. I found the mall and decided to spend the last few bucks I had on a snack there. Why didn't I teleport? Because I felt like it.

I got in line and grabbed a F/S (Favorite Snack) and waited in line behind a lady who would not shut up about her 57 birds, and 23 dogs. The person behind me was a tall, red, one-armed, imaginary friend. I read his thoughts, being bored as heck.

Y/N: Hey.

??: *Looks around to see who said that* Hmm. Probably just heard something.

Y/N: No, you aren't. Hi, I'm Y/N. What might your name be? Don't say it out loud, just think it.

??: Well, I'm Wilt. Wait, where are you?

Y/N: Right in front of you.

Wilt looked down, and saw me. He says, "Hello." "Hi Wilt," I replied with. He was kind of a mix of surpised, shocked, and scared. "How do you-" He tried to ask. I cut him off, "I can read minds. It's a perk for being an old imaginary friend from a kid who reads comics and watches Assassination Classroom all the time." He asks me, "You're an imaginary friend? You look so...". "Much like a human, yeh. But watch this," I cut him off yet again.

I used my teleportation powers and went to Hawaii. I teleported back with a fresh, ripe coconut, and a perfect pineapple. "Tada!" I exclaimed quietly. Wilt was very suprised and said, "That's pretty cool!".

There was a slight silence between us, then Wilt asked, "Wait, are you an abandoned imaginary friend?". "Yeah," I replied. "I know a place where imaginary friends can live and find a new home!" Wilt exclaimed softly. I blinked and nodded my head as an 'okay'. I asked him if he could bring me there, and he said, "Sure! I'd be more than happy to help you."

I don't like it when people say that they're 'more than happy'. Then what are you? Super happy? Excited? I just like clarification.

Y/N's P.O.V.

Wilt brang me to the foster home, and I greeted myself to the rabbit guy and Madam Foster. I am an official lost imaginary friend. Wilt gave me a tour of the place, which was pretty fun.

I was walking down the hall one day, and there was this blue thing that ran by me. Sonic? No. I walked in the path the blue blur went to see it, when I heard a crash. I looked over the stair rail and saw a blue blob lying on the floor, clearly having hit his head on the wall. 'Why didn't I use Clairvoyance?' you might be asking. Well, my powers drain my energy, and I went to sleep late last night, so my energy was already low. I have to be careful not to abuse my powers or else I'll pass out like the pathetic blue blob on the ground.

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