8: Sick Gift

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I wake up from my nap and the first thing I see was straight up red. I jump up from surprise, only to see that it was Wilt. I accidentaly jumped too high up, tripped on my blanket, and fell SMACK on the floor. He woke up the loud thud and looked in my direction.

He gasped and quickly helped me up saying, "Sorry! Are you okay?". "Yeah, I'm fine. Nothing to be sorry 'bout," I tell him.

He raised his hands up in defense and spoke, "No no no. I slept next to you without your consent, which is weird. I'm sorry."

"It's cool. World didn't explode while I was asleep, so it's fine," I respond. Despite what I said, the tall friend persisted, "In really sorry! That WAS a weird thing to do. ESPECIALLY since you couldn't give consent." That's when I started blushing.

I attempted to keep saying that it was no big deal, but eventually gave up, "Okay, fine. I accept your apology." That was enough to hear for him and he reached under the bunk bed, pulling out a paper bag from the.. mall.

"Wilt, you were at the mall this whole time?! I was worried that you git killed or something! It didn't help the way Frankie was trying to hide it," I exclaim.

He got up with bag in hand, and walked over. He said, "Sorry, I just wanted it to be a surprise." "Say what now?" I ask him.

He reaches into the bag, and takes out an absolutely beautiful, golden necklace. It was made up as a linked chain, and in the middle was a beautiful pendant. The pendant was oval-shaped, and had a peace of rose quartz in the middle, with shards of pure quartz in it as well.

Pure quartz, the stone of emotional clarity, purity of the heart, enlightenment, peace and calm. Known as the best healing crystal, and also known to magnify the abilities of other crystals. Also, rose quartz, the stone of unconditional love. Like I wouldn't notice that.

I gasped at the necklace's beauty, and Wilt hands it over to me, kneeling down to make it seem more like a dream, to which I explode with happiness. After putting it on, I hopped onto his chest. He fell backwards onto his back, patting my head instead of supporting himself. We were laughing and giggling like little children.

"Is true!" We heard a wimpy voice yell out. "They are in love!". We turn our heads to face the voice, sitting upright to avoid any confusion.

Friends of all sizes and shapes, and choices began whispering to each other. Then, Bloo walked to front of the crowd and exclaimed, "Yes! You heard it yourself!! They're lovebirds!" Bloo was the one that yelled that earlier statement out. I noted, losing all of my trust in him.

The blue idiot started walking, and stood right next to us, yelling, "Alright, alright, calm down!! Obviously these two lovebirds should be on their own if ya know what I mean." I mouth became ajar as friends started going, "Ooooh~". "Wait, what do I mean?" The blue blob questioned as he walked out.

I question him something that definitely did not help our case, "And what if we do?" That made a whole ton more sense in my head. I thought as people started hooting and whispering amongst themselves even more. In my peripheral vision, I see Wilt looking more like a ripe cherry than usual, coughing every so often out of awkwardness.

I then think up of the best way to get everyone to digress, "Great! Now he's coughing again, and I just got him to stop." That made people shut up fast.

Bloo asked me, "What are you talking about?". I then concocted the wildest story that made absolute sense in my head. I told Wilt via telepathy, Play along if you wanna get out of here alive.

I began, "He was helping Frankie cook in the kitchen yesterday, right?". Nobody else was in there yesterday. Wilt responded, "Uh yeah."

I continued, "Then, he found a carton of old, spoiled milk that smelled horrendous, correct?". Wilt replied, "Yeah." He then coughs a little more to make it more believable.

I then finished off, speaking loudly to everyone as Wilt fake coughed, "Well, after Wilt took out the trash, which had the disgusting milk in it, he contracted IF Tussication!! It is very contagious and can sometimes carry disease with it. It doesn't affect humans, or human-style imaginary friends. But, it destroys the throats of any and all non-human like imaginary friend that gets it!!".

Everyone believed it, and left the room, "Go! Leave before you contract it."

Once everyone left and went far far away from the room, I closed the door, and told Wilt, "Just so you know, Tussication is just a fancy word for coughing, and IF just stands for imaginary friend."

Wilt smiles, and starts to laugh. I join in with him. Then, lunch time came. I told him that I'd get him something, and came back with some soup from last night, and a couple of empty cups to fill with water at the sink in the room.

We drank the soup and water, I went to go put away the stuff, and came back to the room. I cuddle up next to Wilt, who was sitting with his back to the wall near the beds. After a little while, we started to play some board games and card games in the chest box. I comment at one point, "Exploding Kittens is such a weird game." We played it anyways.

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