Yandere China

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Yao Wang, He isn't too noticable as a yandere. He doesn't have quality traits that make him stick out too much. He is the Yandere that what most people would call a protective boyfriend. What makes him a bit scary is his knowlege, sure to others he may be a crazy old man...But, that "old man" with hack someone up with a cleaver. Catching feelings for him is odd and once it hits him, he isn't going to let you go...

The very first interaction with Yao, he thinks nothing of you. To him manners and kindess are an obligation, unlike the Balitc trio where Kindness to them is like gold. However he is one of the yanderes where its gonna take some time for him. He is the yandere it takes him the longest to fall in love. He isn't dense, he just needs time to see you. It may be a chance when he does take a fancy toward you that you may fall in love with him.

China wouldn't stalk you,no he would use money and connections to find out everything about you. His connections like Russia and the italian brothers are horrifying. He will use that information and decide from there. He is calculative but at times he is ecctentric, unlike Kiku who calculates your moves. Yao may go on a whim and do something. Killing for you, he doesn't wanna get his hands too dirty, so if there is someone in the way he will have his men take them out. He poses innocent rather than the sneaky killer. He loves you dearly, you are his precious little jewel and he will take you.Kidnapping you would depend if you fell in love or not. He wouldn't have to show his face if he was kidnapping you, He would enjoy watching you sleep, with that pretty golden shackle around your pretty ankle.


locking you up. He doesn't wanto to be too violent, locking you up is reasonable to him. He'd rather lock you up than damage your pretty wrists and legs

Waterboarding, he may (not really ) drown you, this is just to scare you. into thinking he will kill you. He wouldnt wanna kill you, you are far yo valuable to him to do that

Sex, Yao is not above fucking you. But he will do it in such a way, such as things you hate. Like if you hate Anal, he will fuck you like that. Its not going to be pleasureable for you, for him yes.Either way you will be trembling the entire time begging him that you will be good. He may pleasure you, or he may leave you pent up and uncomfortable.


Bondage, He wants to suspend you in the air. watching your beaty and grace, he wants the pretty red ribbon around your body. He wants to bask in all your grace, your a piece of fine art to him,priceless.

Feeding, He doesn't mind a chubby s/o, he wants to feed you all of his wonderful cooking. He loves to feed you and he wants to share his culture with you. He has a feeder kink...just lettign ya know~

Candle wax, He loves the pain and pleasure..seeing you contort in pleasure and the burnign sensation, he loves it dearly. He loves seeing the candle wax dripping on your tender skin, when you flinch and wince...he enjoys your pain a bit...


Yao is a rather more laid back yandere, unlike Kiku. He wants marriage and children,He wants you and only you, He will do anything he can to get you. Whether its using men to salughter your entire family or killing off your friends. He doesn't take your mentality into question as much as he should. He doesn't realize (none of them do) how this affects your mentality.

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