Yandere Denmark

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        He's a puppy dog of a yandere, He falls onto the obsessive and possessive. He is a very very good boy. Sometimes he is a horny man, but he's Mathias...what did you expect? Despite what you think you know about him, boy you are sure wrong. He is the type to play dumber than he is. Mathias is an excellent player when it comes to taking you. He knows how to play his cards right, all for you~

First meeting up, Mathias falls quick and falls H A R D , No matter how you meet he swoons for you. He believes its love at first sight. Mathias gets your number easily and he sort of inserts himself into your life. Unless you dont insert him into your life, he will try different tactics. But you have to be insane not to love him!!

stalking you, He doesn't see it as stalking! rather as, watching to make sure you safe. The fact he is learning things about you is a bonus! Plus, this gives him a chance to 'accidentally' bump into you, and since you guys are together might as well hang out right? He will break into you house and steal small 'trinkets' and clothes. He may steal your pantis and masterbuate with them later on.

killing for you, Mathias is a possessive and caring yandere. When he kills someone, it will be a love rival and it wont be merciful like a bullet. No, he prefers his trusty viking ax (or if its a more modern AU it will be a normal axe or Knife). He leaves a bloody scene, but he can clean up pretty good.You notice how amazing he cleans up when you two live together.

kidnapping you, He wont kidnap you in fact he would urge you to live with him. You two will be dating pretty early on so its only natural for you to move in with him. He will urge you on, once you move in you are all his. Unless, you don't want him in your life and hate him.If he has to kidnap you, he will do it by tricking you into have at least 1 drink with him and he will leave you alone, you of course oblige. The catch is, he puts a drug in your drink and takes you home, the bar won't question him! He's the nicest guy in the town!

If you moved in with him willingly he will treat you like a goddess, he is more protective over you. He is an affectionate lover and will smother you in love and affection. If he has to kidnap you, then he will tie you up in his bed. He won't train you and break you but rather he will make you love him. He sees this as conditioning you to his love. He is a bit delusional at times but he loves you more than life itself.

punishment, He is not a big punisher because he doesn't wanna hurt you. He will just have sex with you and fuck you into begging for forgiveness. He sees this as bonding and he knows this is only a rough patch. He will play with your body and make you cum over and over till your oversensitve body is abused and trembling. He will not hit you unless you push him over the edge which takes awhile by the way. You hitting his chest makes him chuckle and tease you, but if you keep fighting him till he is beyond annoyed or hurt him badly then you will get a beating of a lifetime,of course after he will feel bad and apologize.

NSFW, this man is a kinky motherfucker

Bondage, he likes seeing you tied up in vunerable positions where he can fuck you as your tied up. He will complement and tease you as he does so. He likes seeing your teary expressions and blushing face

Blood kink, He has a fasination with the taste and smell of blood. He will eat you out on your period and/or he will cut you (with your consent) and lap up the blood. It gives him a euphoria high and brings him utter joy when you tremble as he lick your blood up.

Breeding kink, He wants kids and he will beg you to bare his children.Unless, you cannot have kids or don't want them he will be upset but he R E A L L Y wants a kid. He wants a product of your love bringing you two together as a family. He will take great care of you during the pregnacy and after birthing. He will fuck you when you are carrying his child, your pregnacy turns him on and seeing your tummy buldging with his kids makes him hard.

Daddy kink, He likes to give you petnames and he wants a name too! He would love it if you called him 'daddy'. Of course, after you two have a kid you will call him daddy reguardless. So might as well start early, he find it cute when you call him daddy during sex when your reachig your climax

lactiation kink, If your breasts leak milk he will drink it. While you are pregnant and your breasts leak milk, he will drink it. He likes the taste and thinks you look sexy with milk leaking from your tits.

After care, he thinks after care should be a requirement after sex. He will pamper you and make sure you take pain meds and drink plenty of water. He will snuggle with you and make sure you don't feel used, he wants you to trust him and feel safe with him. He will make sure you are taken care of and he will take full responsibility of you

Overall, He is a better yandere and he will take amazing care of you. He may be kinky as hell. Many will be jealous that you have the hottest,nicest guy in the entire city. He will make sure you two are married and have plenty of children. He loves you and will kill anyone for you. He won't kill you but he will hunt you down and reunite with you! 

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