Yandere Iceland

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Oh, this poor boy doesn't know he is in love until it hits him like a freight train. Emil is the type of yandere that denies all feelings at first. Soon, his thoughts plauge of you and he before he knows it he is stalking you on your way home. He is a BIG obsessive yandere and some possessiveness within the mix. He is the equilvalent to a psycho fan. He may seem cold and doesnt care but in reality it eats him inside, just pure jealousy and desire.

First meeting up, When you two first met he thinks nothing special of you. It takes time for him to develop of feelings but its really really quick however. He may fall in love within a week of meeting up with you. The more time you spend with him the more he denies his feelings and the deeper he falls in love with you. He may be tsundere to you and show harsh feelings.

stalking you, Emil hates the word "stalking" that makes him sound like a creep! He isnt trying to be creepy! He just wants to make sure you are safe and sound. He was thinking of it like, following you around to make sure your safe. He breaks into your house (to check the locks) and he ends up going inside and taking in everything (and taking a couple of things). He will be with you while you sleep and if he is feeling ballsy enough. He may steal a kiss from you, of course this is what friends do! Right?! Of course they do! Emil will back up his actions with his logic.

killing for you, Emil doesn't want to kill anyone but if he will if he must. He is more of the guy that sabatoages everything and make it seem like nothing is going right. When you talk to him about it he will listen, and internally be smiling because he drove off a rivial. He will kill if he is pushed beyond the edge, if this person is super stubborn. He will kill them and he will do it in a way that looks like an accident. He doesn't wanna raise suspicions so he makes it look like an accident his victim had.

kidnapping you, Emil will eventually kidnap you. His obsession grows to the point it hurts. Unless you fall in love super quickly.He will kidnap you and take you back to his place where he will chain you up and explain what happened when you wake up. Of course, he will try his best to handle you. He took you away from this world to ensure your safety! He needed to make sure none of those pigs tainted you.

living with them, Emil will treat you like a spouse. He will make sure you are taken care of and he will be the best he can be. He doesn't want to punish you but, you keep fighting him and you keep resisting. He will give you freedoms until you show him you can't be trusted. Of course he will make sure you dont escape or anything. He can't have that!


Emil hates punishment but he doesn't do too much with punishments. He wouldn't wanna hurt you!

locking up, he sees this in makign sure you dont run away. He will lock you up and maybe psychologically torture you with bring out some of your fears. Such as, if you are afraid of the dark he will lock you in a dark closet. If you are afraid of spiders he will put you in his basement with the harmless spiders.

nsfw, Emil doesnt have a high sex drive but when he does he has few kinks. He is pretty vanilla until it gets to his kinks, he opens up his kinks further into the relationship and if you are comfortable with it

Temperature play, He enjoys a temperature difference, whether it be heat or cold. He will fuck you in it, he likes how sesitive your skin is. He may put ice cubes on your barebody to tease you a bit.

light bondage, He doesnt mind light bondage to where you are restrained. He likes seeign how pretty you are with ribbon bound wrists. He finds it sexy and cute, it brings out a sense of innocence in you which he loves.


Emil is pretty relaxed compared to other yandere's. He is more jealous however and pretty obsessive over you. He wants a loving relationship with you. He wants to one day have children and to get married. You two WILL move to iceland unless you two already live there. He would be most compatiable with a more strict yandere, you would favor Emil more but he would "protect you" from harsher punishments but the stricter yandere would help him get you and to keep you. 

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