Yandere America

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I don't where to start with Alfred. He is a possessive and delusional yandere. He is one of the more unstable yandere's. Alfred is also one of the yanderes that you don't see coming until its too late at least.Alfred is young and love sick, his mind and body revolve around YOU. He catches feelings so quickly, he doesn't know what hit him.

First interaction with Alfred...he knows there is something about you,he can't put his finger on it. He feels like he is floating! He has to get your number and know you better. He has to have you and He needs to make sure you two are together till the end of time. Alfred is scary because of how unstable he is, all you gotta do is be a good baby and you two will live a happy life. Go against him? Expect punishment baby.

Alfred is the type to elimate all compeition in his way. He prefers a simple method of his good ol' pistol. Alfred will have you. He will kill love rival mainly, and others threatening to get in the way, he doesn't wanna kill your family....He wants a big happy family with your parents and siblings to be there for your future children. Love rivals he can't stand!!! He isn't too likely to share however best compatiable with him is Ivan (suprisingly) OR Arthur. He is a bit needy for your love and his demetor changes rather quickly,He is rather bipolar and again mentally and emotionally not stable. He doesn't wana kidnap you however,he will prepare for that, and to prepare to fake your death and have you live under a new idenity in another state, However if you aren't native to the United states, he will take you there and make you live there.Speaking of which as well, if he does get caught he wont kill you...he'll break out and find you and take back his lovely darling.

Punishments, Alfred mainly is a yeller and screamer. He may knock stuff over to scare you and break some things. However he does have his punishments.

Locking you up, He doesn't wanna do that because you two should be cuddling on the couch watching some cheesy action movie but this is what you have done to yourself darling. Usually if you run away he will lock you up.

Physical harm: Slapping/hitting. He'll grip your cheeks with one hand making you look at him as he scoldds you, He may slap you one time and yell at you, He hates hitting you he really does, this is if you fight back and hurt him after running away, if you really push him to his limit he may break your wrist.


Breeding kink. He wants kids...like badly to the point thinking about it is such a turn on for him. He wants to impregnate you because it forces you to need him and it forces you to submit to him. It boosts his confidence when he sees you holding his child.

hair pulling. He is dominate in this situation but he loves pulling your hair,He may make your grow it out because he loves playing with your hair but, He will use it too as well to pull on to make you tighten up on him and increase his plasure a bit.

DDLG, He has a caretaker kind of kink. He wants to be called daddy of course you will be his baby. Inside and outside of the bedroom you will call him daddy.No matter what,even when you two have children you will call him daddy of course having a different meaning both way but he likes it. He will take care of you and cherish and love you dearly,wouldn't you want that?


He is a caring and sweet Yandere, He isn't quite right in the head. However if you are the type that is obident and goes along with the crowd, You will be fine. Of course sometimes he likes a good fight. Alfred has the American housewife dream for you. Stay at home and take care of children and the house while he works, of course if you have a job he will allow you to work there, he will visit you alot. Especially if you work in the service industry...he'll visit your work place. He isn't too good with sharing with other yanderes MAYBE England or Canada...hes too possessive though...

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