Yandere France

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France is a delusional yandere, he belives you two are living the fantasy of two passionate lovers, this is farther from the truth. He is cruel in his own way. Abusing love, He doesn't take 'no' for an answer. He thinks your relationship with him is a tale of sheer romance. He is super gulliable btw.

First meeting, He FALLS in love, his heart would bask in you and only you. He is a country of love and this to him was love at first sight, surely you felt it too? He believes you feel in love too.He will try to swoon you from the start. But, what makes him really snap is that you are rejecting his advances or that you dont seem to catch on. The mere fact that god put you two together is a sign, Right?

You wont leave his head, His thoughts plauge with you. He craves your affection, he craves feeling of your love. He is the honestly the most loving yanderes, he would let you get away with the most stuff. But, the comebacks may be horriying to you. He would only come back harder, maybe you ran away because you didnt feel loved enough? Your fighting back is a simple lovers quarral . He brushes everything off as something so simple. However, when he finds you...he will take you and smother you in his love and affection.

Kidnapping you, he sees it as whisking you away to your prince. He doesn't see anythign wrong with it, as he is filling the syringe with anthesia, He is obsessive and delusional. He is like America and holds this false image, however he isn't violent! No No NO! He wants you to love him, he wants you obsession over him, like he obsessed over you.


Again he wont hurt you...so here are his more "you've pushed me beyond my limit" kind of punishments

Locking you up, this is to teach you to be with him, He will lock you up in your shared bedroom, Of course your prince charmign will be there with you, he can't leave his queen alone! That would be cruel! Plus who needs to be alone when you have HIM!

sex, He may think you need more passion in your life, He will make you love every minute of being with him, He will make sure that you are comfortable and he will give you his love. He wants to share his passion,lust,love,and so much more of him! He won't hurt you! He wants you to enjoy this! If you are sobbing he will hold you as he thrusts into you kissing you.


Francis is an exquisite lover, his kinks and fetishes fall into place,maybe not immediately but quickly over time. Sex is probably a weekly thing for him. You will grow QUITE USED to him, sexually.He prefers nice,slow,passionate kind of sex. He will bask all in YOU

Food play, apart of this passion he enjoys admiring every single part of you. Food play (with his amazing cookign skills), eating food off of you really gets him into this admiration of you! Plus too this makes him feel much closer to you. He wants to share the pleasure.

Bondage, He thinks its graceful seeign ther ribbon around your pretty wrists. He loves it when you struggle and when your whine going against the bondage. He likes seeing you controt in pure pleasure.

Overall, Delusional and sweet yandere. He wants marriage and children and to live a lavish and perfect life with you in France. He will be your Romeo to you his Juilet. He wouldn't mind sharing you with another yandere, his perfect compatiable yandere partner would be England. Despite them hating eachother, they balance one another out. England is more of the harsher ones and France would be the more sweet one.

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