Yandere Japan

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He is the personification of Japan, He is anime. Literally. He is a obsessive and possessive. Honestly, he is usually reserved but with his S/o....he can't help himself. He shows more emotion around you and the thing is...sometimes that NOT always a good thing....No one will believe you when you tell them he's a psycho (like others) because look at him....a quiet,kind,reserved man? A psycho? They brush you off and walk by. Kiku is the only one who knows your telling the truth and so do you but...he won't let you see the light for long...

When you first interact with Kiku, Honestly he notices something different about you that intrigues him. He needs to know more about you. He'll go into your social life,social media,phone,laptop,and so much more. He will break into your bedroom when your gone/ asleep. To him this is just to know more about you.He's a pretty good stalker too.However he just wants you to be safe. Cant a friend do that?

Kiku, Obsesses over you but at the same time, he'll put a katana in anyone's chest any day. Of course not you~ He would rather keep you than kill you. Kiku, wont kill you, he'll hurt you very badly though.

Kiku won't wait for you to fall in love, he already has. He is pretty quick,once he fall in love. So you will be kidnapped whether you are madly in love or you see him as a friend.

Once kiku has you in his home, you will be tied up and kiku will calmly explain the situation and place his ground rules down. He will be straight forward with you,blunt if you may.You will have to learn your place, you will learn to love him.


locking into the basement, He doesn't want you to escape. You wont see the light of the sun,he's not against getting you pale. (Asian beauty standards have people become pasty pale), However he would much rather have your skin tone. But he doesn't wanna hurt you.

breaking bones. If you push him far enough, He will break your shins. Of course he will apologize afterwards but, he will break your legs if you are pushing him to his patience limit.

Sex. Sometimes sex is a punishment, Its only if , you haven't run away and you haven't pushed him beyond his limit. He'll pleasure you and tease you. Maybe be a bit sadistic side of him comes out.


Shinabari. Japanese bondage style, very pretty to look at. He will spend time tying you up all pretty. He'll make the ropes rub against your clit, You can only whimper as your suspended and tied up where the friction of the rope is your only relief. Of course, he knows how to manipulate the rope where he can fuck you while your tied up. He'll tease you sometimes going so slow it drives you Insane.

Toys. He has alot of toys he'll use on you, maybe he will tie you up all pretty and put a vibrator in you. Watch you squirm and make pitiful noises, only for him to turn it up and watch you restrain yourself. He will torture you telling you you can't cum yet.


He just wants your love, He wants to be by your side till the end of time. He wants to make sure you are happy and safe. He needs you. Sharing wise, He is pretty relaxed he would go well with a more possessive yandere. Its a good balance...of crazy. He doesn't strive to have children, however if you do end up preggo...he'll teach your children manners,Japanese tradition,and politeness. Marriage is something you two WILL have no matter what. If you actually want a marriage it will be a small Japanese ceremony. If you dont, he will force you to sign the papers.

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