Let's go back to school

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A few words with thy author if I may 😭
Anyway I'm just going to warn you guys that there is a lot of swearing in this book. If you guys don't like it, ignore it, or just don't read this at all.

I have decided that the chapters aren't going to be that long. Part of the reason I took more time to finish TBBATTB2 was because the chapters are so long, so mine will be shorter. I'm updating on 6 June, my first update for this book. The next update will probably be in a week or two, once I'm satisfied with the feedback I'm getting, which is important for me. If you guys like this story, please tell me your thoughts on it and share it with your friends. I would really appreciate that. I need motivation to write, your response is that motivation so please...

I started writing this first on April 30th, 2020. Sometime after midnight. That draft was edited on June 5th and 6th, 2020.

And here it is! Enjoy!
"But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes..."

Bright they were, not in color. In color they were plain brown. No, they were bright in life. Especially today. A mischievous smile played at my lips as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My brown hair tumbled past my shoulders in waves, freckles dotted my face and my lips were open in a smile.

Look at that beautiful face! Cleopatra had nothing on me.

Finally the day had come. Back to school! I was ready to unleash my bitch on that hellhole.

"Cecily, get down here and stop staring at yourself."

"Coming, dad." I yelled, grabbed my bag and ran downstairs.

"Shotgun.", my little sister and brother yelled at the same time and raced to the car.

"Daddy, they always call shotgun! I wanna sit in the front for once." I whined.

"You can do that when you have your own car Cecy, now come on.", and he walked out the front door.

Seventeen! I was seventeen and knew how to drive but I still didn't have a car!

I groaned and followed him to the car. Pettiness would not take away this day from me. Absolutely not!

"She's faster than you huh?", I asked my little brother, Daniel, both of us seated at the back.

He scowled and turned away, his sandy-brown hair in his eyes. I loved his cute little chubby face but I also liked to tease him. Cathy, my little sister, was three years older than him. One day, she challenged him to a race to the car and they've been doing this ever since.

So far Cathy was in the lead and I never missed a chance to tease Danny about it. I loved how his whole face turned red and his cheeks puffed out.

"Daddy, if you compared me and Danny to Usain Bolt, who would you say is more like him?", that was Cathy, she liked to brag about her achievements, especially when she was Daddy's favorite and knew he would pick her.

"You, kid." Dad replied without hesitation.

I could almost see the smoke coming out of Danny's ears. In animation, it would increase right at this moment and whoosh me away.

My little pirate!

I didn't like it when someone made Danny angry especially when he was my favorite!

"Hey Captain Hook, want a Kit Kat?", I offered. He gave me a glare and continued to stare out the window. I pulled a smug face and took the Kit Kat out of my bag and held it out to him.

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