Let's watch the sunrise

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It's a new day.
The sun has cast all the blues away.
Smile, my soul, for in the ocean do I bathe.
It's in his eyes I see my peace lay.


Romeo. Romeo. Romeo.

The name kept playing in my mind even when I woke up with darkness still painting the sky, the slightest light of dawn glided in from the window indicating sunrise was minutes away.

I scrambled out of bed to brush my teeth, wash my face and with the same pajamas I was wearing in bed I climbed out of the window to the rooftop inhaling the fresh morning air laced with dew. The distant sound of a rooster, Mr. Gomez owned, announced the start of day as the sun started to rise and I watched it with awaiting eyes, the morning star gave a last twinkle before the curtains of light draped over it.

I had grown fond of sunrises a long time ago. It made me feel better, its warmth gave me comfort from an uneasiness I didn't know why I felt. Its rays provided hope of a better tomorrow, one where I wouldn't feel the need to wait for the sun to rise. I'll admit last night for that little time I had been with Romeo, the desire for the day to come had subsided but now that I was looking at the sky getting lighter and lighter I was impatiently anticipating the Sun's rise.

"Cecy?" A groggy voice called, interrupting the elated song of the birds. Looking down from my position I saw Cathy's head peaking out of the window, her hand rubbing her sleep-ridden eyes while simultaneously a loud yawn erupted from her mouth.

"Come on." I helped her up so that she was sitting beside me, both of us were silent as we intently watched the rays of the sun fall on the roof, basking our faces in its warmth against the chilly morning air.

"Why did you leave yesterday?" Catherine broke the silence.

"Meh." I replied instead of telling her the whole story, partly because I didn't have the energy and partly because she wouldn't stop talking if I told her.

"You know... if you're not telling me because of Romeo. Let me tell you, I saw him run after you so save it." She stressed.

"You- you-" I tried not to curse her out.

"Me what?" She smirked, already knowing the effect she had on me.

"You spied on me." I fumed.

She evilly chuckled, the loud sound making my ears hurt, "Oh no honey, I don't have time for that." She assured, pouting at me. "Now tell me what happened."

I frowned looking down at my lap. What did happen? Romeo indirectly told me he liked me then he said he couldn't be in a relationship or more specifically he said "He wasn't worth it." Because God knew why. I wasn't about to pry but I think it was officially my right now to pry. His solemn mood changed in a minute and we... walked? Together? Talking and laughing like he hadn't just rejected to be in a relationship with me for whatever reason. God! I need my mind to stop...

"I- um... he told me why he calls me Juliet." I half-heartedly told, yet his words echoed in my mind causing my heart to swell with glee.

Cathy's hands flew up in the air as she backed away from me, "Hold up. He calls you-"

"Cecy." A small voice cut Cathy off and once again I bent down to find my brother's head looking up at me, he held out his hand, a hopeful expression on his face. I scoffed and pulled him up so he could sit on the other side of me.

"What are we talking about?" He queried.

"How Romeo Gibson calls Cecy, Juliet." Cath blurted out in one breath, making me hiss at her.

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