Let's be partners!

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Hey guys! So I know I said the next update would be on Tuesday but I'm finished with this chapter so here it is! 💕

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Next update will def be on Tuesday. Or maybe Monday.


"Cath, I'm not buying this dress. It's hideous."

It was Tuesday afternoon and Cathy had dragged me straight from school to here. When I say dragged, I mean she literally dragged me here. She made me walk from school through several streets I was surprised she knew about avoiding the main road to get me here.

Dad was there.

He could've drove us here. But she made the walk seem like it was nothing.

"Oh, we'll be fine.", she had smiled at him. I wanted to strangle her.

"But look at this flower on its back. It's so pretty." She argued now. This was our fifth store that we had visited and I still couldn't find the dress I wanted. To add to that Cathy kept bugging me to buy dresses that had huge flowers on them.

"It's a hideous shade of orange! Put it back, Catherine." I sternly pointed out and walked out of the story, Cathy on my heels.

She kept whining but I refused to listen to her. None of the dresses she had wanted me to buy were right for a ball! On top of that the ball was on Friday, we still had time to buy the dresses some other day. I didn't know why I was here today.

Cathy's whining continued even as we entered another store and my eyes locked with a shade of blue, so like the ocean but still different, almost eerie. I stopped in my tracks, startled by the intensity of the eyes. I realised I had never seen such a shade of blue. Maybe that was the reason everything seemed to disappear and only those eyes existed and I couldn't hear my sister talking anymore. And for a moment I felt myself floating in air, swimming in the deepest sea, surrounded by calm yet a fire crackled inside of me.

Wrinkles appeared around those eyes as their owner smiled. I came out of my trance to hear him say "Hey, Juliet."

"Hi, lover boy." I said a little out of breath.

Romeo Gibson was holding a dress in his hand outside a changing room. I felt a pang in my heart until the door to the changing room opened and an elderly woman stepped out, wearing a pink dress contrasting with her blue eyes, similar to the eyes I had been gawking at a moment ago.

"You know Romeo Gibson?" I heard my sister's surprised voice. I had almost forgotten she was here. When I tuned to look at her, her jaw was hanging open as her eyes danced from me and to Romeo. Shrugging, I walked towards Romeo.

"And who is this young lady?" the woman asked Romeo.

"Nanna, this is...", he trailed off and I stared at him in confusion. He probably heard my name when that crazy lady at school was shouting it into the speaker.

"Cecily." I stated, looking away from Romeo to the woman.

"Right. And this is my grandmother.",  he introduced. The woman was beautiful and I saw where Romeo had gotten his eyes and lips from. The color of the woman's hair was slightly lighter than Romeo's, where Romeo's hair in the sun would look golden, hers would look platinum. The woman had an aura of pride around her, she held herself in front of me with shoulders pushed back, eyebrows raised and a tight smile on her face. I didn't think she liked me much.

"Elizabeth.", she stated her name, lips barely moving as if she couldn't bother wasting her precious breath on someone like me. She then turned to her grandson, "Dear, what do you think?", she referred to the dress she wearing.

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