Let's discuss the Romeo situation

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Live your own life first
Is what the wise say
Those who don't are indeed cursed
They face worries everyday


"Hello." Romeo picked up the phone, running a hand over his face.

"Yeah D?" He patiently listened to whoever he was talking to. A frustrated sigh escaped his lips when he added, "Yeah I'll be right there."

"That was David. I have to go." He said when he ended the call.

"What? But we have to complete the presentation." I reasoned to which he hurriedly kissed my forehead without realizing how it set my heart on a marathon it was bound to run until after fifteen minutes he was out the door.

"We still have tomorrow." He nonchalantly reminded and proceeded to leave my room. I was hot on his heels, trying to make him stay but not knowing how I would do so without sounding desperate.

Let's be honest, I was desperate to spend these two days with him.

Romeo's white shirt glistened in the sunlight as he pocketed his phone and with a monotonous 'bye' he walked away from my house with a quickened pace.


Maybe an emergency, I thought as I closed the door and leaned against it. I wish we could spend more time like this where we would do nothing except get to know each other through small talk.


There was more to that than just his mother and "friends" not calling him anything else than Romeo. I also took notice of how his eyes had softened last night when he had spoken of his dad and said his name today and how his eyes went blank when he had mentioned his mom.

"Did your boyfriend leave already?" Cathy asked from the living room couch. I totally hadn't noticed her sitting there. What the fuck was Romeo doing to me?

"He's not my boyfriend." I stated, earning a dry 'sure' from her.

I was about to make my way upstairs when I heard a knock at the door. My heart soared with the hope that it might be Romeo only for it to crash on dry land when instead I found a fuming Freya standing on the threshold.

"What is this I hear of you having a boyfriend?" She took a threatening step towards me. Years of being best friends and I hadn't seen this side of her. She was changing. A soft heart being hardened by the worries of the world and the harsh words of people.

I couldn't help but feel intimidated by her. I took a cautious step back, about to deny any rumors of Cecily has a boyfriend but Cath beat me to it, "Romeo Gibson." She gave Frey a knowing smile.

Freya gasped, "No! Fuck. Shit. Hell."

"Ok you might want to slow down there a bit cause mom's been distracted the whole day, she might be lurking in the corners." Cathy informed her.

"Is it true?" Freya asked, a wide goofy grin on her face.

"Yes." Cathy answered for me, because what was the point in part-taking in this conversation when they won't listen to me anyway.

"Called it." Freya shouted.

"Called what?" My mother shouted back probably from one of the corners she was "lurking in". In seconds she came into view, her questioning gaze set on Freya.

"Romeo Gibson's Cecily's boyfriend." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at my mom.

My mother once again proved she was still stuck in her teenage years when she slapped my shoulder and gasped, "No! That beautiful boy is your boyfriend?"

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